
  • 网络charm offensive
  1. 他对可能不支持政府的议会议员发动了所谓的“魅力攻势”。

    He launched what was called a charm offensive against MPs who might not support the Government .

  2. Facebook创始人马克•扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)一直积极对中国发动魅力攻势,显然为了撬开中国市场。

    Mark Zuckerberg , Facebook 's founder , has been at the forefront of a charm offensive apparently aimed at prying open the Chinese market .

  3. 他往往趁她最没有心理准备时发动魅力攻势,令她措手不及。

    He had a way of throwing her off guard with his charm when she least expected it .

  4. 奥克斯利否认,对过度监管的恐惧会损害纳斯达克魅力攻势。他是美国2002年颁布的《萨班斯-奥克斯利法》(Sarbanes-OxleyAct)的联合提案人。

    Mr Oxley , co-author of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the US in 2002 , rebuffed concerns that fears of over-regulation would hurt Nasdaq 's charm offensive .

  5. 与会者表示,在化解全球对于其经济管理质量的担忧方面,中国依靠其魅力攻势取得了重大进步,包括由央行官员发表几场公开演说,并安排在G20会议间隙举行了几场双边会晤。

    Participants said Beijing made important progress in assuaging global concerns about the quality of its economic management with a charm offensive that included several public speeches by central bank officials and bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the G20 itself .

  6. 银行业人士表示,预期将在周三定价的这只债券,可能面对疲弱的需求尽管efsf负责人克劳斯雷格林(klausregling)上周已在亚洲展开魅力攻势,以求提振兴趣。

    Bankers said the bond , which is expected to price on Wednesday , may see weak demand in spite of Klaus Regling , the head of the EFSF , launching a charm offensive in Asia last week to encourage interest .

  7. 发展势头也削弱了中国的区域魅力攻势。

    Momentum also undermines China 's regional charm offensives .

  8. 实际上,这家中国电信巨头正在发动一场魅力攻势。

    In fact the Chinese Titan has been on a charm offensive of sorts .

  9. 阿里巴巴的魅力攻势迷失了方向。

    Alibaba 's charm offensive lost its way .

  10. 要看出中国是否正在一个非洲国家展开魅力攻势,并不难。

    It is not hard to tell when China is on a charm offensive in an African country .

  11. 为了提高投资者的信心,莫迪向外国政府和投资者展开魅力攻势。

    In order to boost investor confidence , Modi has launched a diplomatic offensive to court foreign governments and investors .

  12. 在纸面上,这笔交易已经大为失色&因此也就有了东航眼下对投资者发起的魅力攻势。

    On paper , the deal has lost much of its gloss – hence CEA 's current charm offensive with investors .

  13. 在美国国会大厦,最近热议的伊朗讨好西方的“魅力攻势”似乎不被理睬。

    In the U.S. Capitol , the much-talked about recent Iranian " charm offensive " on the West seems to be falling on deaf ears .

  14. 在一场像是魅力攻势的活动中,数家政府机构的官员最近联合召开了2小时的新闻吹风会,概述了加强部门间协作的计划。

    In what appeared to be a charm offensive , officials from several government agencies this month gave a two-hour briefing that outlined plans for greater collaboration .

  15. 这位以色列领导人在联合国大会上发表讲话时发表了以上言论,他还试图打破伊朗新任总统哈桑·鲁哈尼的“魅力攻势”。

    The Israeli leader commented during an address to United Nations , where he also dismissed what he labeled a charm offensive of Iran 's new President Hassan Rouhani .

  16. 一些专家认为包括高调出访首尔,对敌国提供技术支持在内的举动是表明平壤最近正发动魅力攻势,这正是朝鲜改变自身形象的举动。

    Other experts believe Pyongyang 's recent charm offensive , including a high profile visit to Seoul , technically enemy territory , is a PR exercise to improve its image .

  17. 中国领导许诺在欧元急需帮助时提供支持。这是和欧盟加强联系的魅力攻势。

    The Chinese leadership has promised its support for the euro zone in its hour of need as part of a charm offensive aimed at strengthening ties with the European Union .

  18. 日本正在东南亚加大经济魅力攻势,这个最新迹象显示,主要大国正相互较劲,寻求从这个人口稠密地区即将成立的单一市场获利。

    Japan is stepping up an economic charm offensive in Southeast Asia in the latest sign of rival efforts by leading powers to profit from the single market soon to be launched in the populous region .

  19. 在1997年亚洲金融危机之后的十年里,中国一直在亚洲地区开展所谓的魅力攻势&与别国签署贸易与投资协议,解决边界纠纷。

    In the aftermath of the Asian financial crisis in 1997 , China spent the following decade conducting what was often called a charm offensive in the region , signing trade and investment deals and settling border disputes .

  20. 路威酩轩集团发起魅力攻势之时,正是贝尔纳·阿尔诺的一些年长的子女——37岁的安托万和39岁的戴尔芬,他们都是他第一次婚姻中的孩子——在集团中的地位不断上升之际,这不是巧合。

    It is no coincidence that LVMH 's charm offensive coincided with the rise of the eldest of Bernard Arnault 's children - Antoine , now 37 , and Delphine , 39 , both from his first marriage - within LVMH .

  21. 这项魅力攻势旨在公平公正地推广中国产品,向海外消费者传达中国公司正在与海外同行协作,以生产出高质量商品,中国官方英文报纸《中国日报》表示。

    The " charm offensive " is designed to promote Chinese-made goods " in a fair and objective way ," to tell overseas consumers " that Chinese companies work with overseas firms to produce quality products ," the official English-language China Daily said .

  22. 但在过去一年左右,中国在亚洲的魅力攻势遭遇到了麻烦,尤其是在南海&对许多亚洲国家来说,南海是一个晴雨表,从中可看出强大的中国会如何对待它们。

    Yet in the last year or so , China 's charm offensive in Asia has run into trouble – not least in the South China Sea , which for many Asian countries is a barometer of how a powerful China might treat them .

  23. 虽然通过在街头彰显武力、媒体审查及传唤数百人来使其改变意见,军方同时也凭借“找回幸福”的旗帜下发动魅力攻势。

    While trying to stifle dissent through a show of force on the streets , media censorship and summoning hundreds of people to turn themselves in , the military is also launching a charm offensive under the banner of " bringing back happiness . "

  24. 尽管谷歌加大了游说努力,并在欧盟和欧洲各国首都发动了魅力攻势,却仍连连受挫。作为一个监管日益严格的行业中一家市值4000亿美元的企业,这家美国科技集团正在艰难应对严酷的现实。

    These setbacks have come despite Google increasing its lobbying efforts and launching a charm offensive in Brussels and national capitals across Europe , as the US technology group wrestles with the reality of life as a $ 400bn company in an increasingly strictly regulated sector .