
yú xīng wèi
  • fishy taste;fishlike smell
鱼腥味[yú xīng wèi]
  1. 这鸡肉有鱼腥味。

    This chicken has got a fishy taste .

  2. 另一方面,当研究者加入一种能凝固铁的物质后,鱼腥味减轻了。

    This fishy taste diminished , on the other hand , when the researchers added a substance that binds up iron .

  3. 他满手鱼腥味儿。

    His hands smell of fish .

  4. 任何鱼腥味或强烈的气味都意味着鱼不新鲜。不要买。

    Any fishy or strong smell means the fish isn 't fresh . Do not buy it .

  5. 你宁可回Meremund领地,住在那个我父亲给我的通风良好的监狱,呼吸着那些即使是最高处的阳台也飘浮着的鱼腥味儿?

    Would you rather be back in Meremund , living in that drafty prison of a place my father gave me , with the smell of fish poisoning the air of even the highest balconies ?

  6. 我不太喜欢妈妈身上的鱼腥味。

    I hate the smell of fish coming from my mom .

  7. 鱼腥味诱使猫进入厨房。

    The smell of fish enticed the cat into the kitchen .

  8. 主拯救我们你满是鱼腥味

    And Lord save us , you smell of fish .

  9. 品尝时入口即化,肉质鲜美,丝毫没有任何鱼腥味。

    It melts in the mouth and carries no unpleasant fish odor .

  10. 味道&鱼油有鱼腥味吗?

    Smell & Does the fish oil smell fishy ?

  11. 老天……我的手鱼腥味真重。

    Oh , boy , do my ... My fingers smell like fish .

  12. 水解产物无苦味、无鱼腥味

    Hydrolysates was no bitter and no fish flavour

  13. 在西方的烹饪中,柠檬经常用来去掉鱼腥味;

    In Western cooking , lemon is often used to remove smells of fish ;

  14. 渔民家总有股鱼腥味。

    The fisherman 's house smells of fish .

  15. 而鱼腥味则表示有肝脏疾病。

    Liver disease , by contrast , often causes the breath to smell fishy .

  16. 对不起,上面有鱼腥味。

    Sorry if it smells like fish .

  17. 有股奇怪的鱼腥味。

    It had a funny fishy smell .

  18. 这里有一股很浓的鱼腥味。

    It smells very fishy in here .

  19. 浓烈的鱼腥味儿极强的个性酷热难当。

    be overpowering an overpowering smell of fish an overpowering personality The heat was overpowering .

  20. 产生鱼腥味蛋的原因

    A cause of fishy-flavored eggs identified

  21. 她的手上有鱼腥味。

    Her hands smelt of fish .

  22. 对于比赛后举行的晚宴,雷利说:“我想我已经吃够了鱼腥味的东西。”

    Looking forward to a late dinner he said : " I think I 'll probably have something fishy . "

  23. 再细品那记忆里的鱼腥味,只觉一缕香香的甜甜的柔情漫过心田。

    Conjuring up the fishy smell in her memory , she felt a gentle fragrant sweet current flowing in her heart .

  24. 但是,消毒剂的味道下,难以掩盖的鱼腥味宣告着前租户的身份。

    But beneath the disinfectant smell , the unmistakable odor of fish lingered as the flimsiest calling card of a former tenant .

  25. 臭氧是氧原子重组形成的产物,常温常压下是淡蓝色有鱼腥味的气体,具有氧化特性,是已知最受欢迎的杀菌剂之一。

    Ozone is formed by the rearrangement of oxygen molecules . It is a bluish gas with pungent odor and oxidizing properties .

  26. 扇贝肉浸泡在铁元素含量低的酒样中,味道是正常的;而把扇贝肉浸泡在铁元素含量高的酒样中,却会散发出鱼腥味。

    Scallops dunked in vino with low iron content smelled normal , but pieces soaked in samples with high iron content reeked of fish .

  27. 在西方的烹饪中,柠檬经常用来去掉鱼腥味;而在中国的烹饪中,葱和姜则起到类似的作用。

    In Western cooking , lemon is often used to remove smells of fish ; in Chinese cooking , scallions and ginger serve a similar function .

  28. 在四个不同的时段,品酒志愿者们品尝了这些酒,同时吃着最有可能发出鱼腥味的海产食品&扇贝肉。

    Over four sessions , the volunteers tasted the samples , along with pieces of scallops , the seafood most likely to produce the fishy effect .

  29. 小土屋空空的,地上堆着大堆鱼网,散发着浓浓的鱼腥味。

    The interior of the earthen hut was bare , apart from a huge pile of fishnets on the floor which gave off a strong fishy odour .

  30. 本论文研究应用臭氧法脱除鲢鱼肉糜中的鱼腥味,探讨臭氧脱腥方法对鲢鱼肉糜营养成分及其他品质的影响;

    The deodorization of the silver carp fish surimi with ozone was studied in this paper , and the influence of the deodorization on the quality of the fish surimi was detected ;