
  1. 你看看能否凑几个鸡蛋煎个鸡蛋饼。

    See if you can scrape together enough eggs for an omelet .

  2. 早餐的鸡蛋通常是煎的,里面还加了很多蜂蜜。

    There were eggs for breakfast , usually fried .

  3. 服务员,我要鸡蛋两面都煎一下,但是不要太老。

    Miss , two fried eggs , over easy and not fried too hard .

  4. 约翰:用鸡蛋做的煎蛋卷。

    John : An omelet with eggs .

  5. 鸡蛋两只(煎或炒)配火腿,烟肉,香肠。

    Two eggs ( fried poached or scrambled ) and ham , bacon , or sausages .

  6. 我想要橙汁,两个鸡蛋,两面煎,和火腿,法国菜和咖啡。

    I 'd like orange juice , two eggs , over easy , with ham and French fries , and Coffee , please .

  7. 鸡蛋正在锅里煎。

    The eggs were frying in the pan .

  8. 、黑线鳕鱼干、羊排骨和羊肉排、烤绵羊腰子、总管腰子、香肠、熏肉片、熏肉配煮鸡蛋、火腿配煮鸡蛋、煎蛋卷、水煮鸡蛋、煎蛋、煮鸡蛋配吐司、松饼、吐司、果酱、黄油。”

    plain boiled eggs , oeufs-au-plat , poached eggs on toast , muffins , toast , marmalade , butter 。 "

  9. 我该怎么做鸡蛋呢?用水煮鸡蛋,还是煎鸡蛋,还是生吃呢?

    How can I cook this egg ? Boiled egg ? Fried egg ? Or just eat it raw ?

  10. 我不要这样的,我不喜欢鸡蛋用它又大又黄的眼睛盯着我,我要两个双面煎的鸡蛋,但不要煎得太老。

    Not me . I don 't like to see my eggs staring up at me with big yellow eyes . Miss , two fried eggs , over easy and not fried too hard .