
gē zi
  • pigeon;dove
鸽子 [gē zi]
  • [pigeon;dove] 一种善飞的鸟,品种很多,羽毛的颜色也多,主要以谷类为食。信鸽可用来传递书信。鸽子也是和平的象征

鸽子[gē zi]
  1. 未等我逮到鸽子,猫就猛扑了上去。

    Before I could get the pigeon the cat pounced .

  2. 一只鸽子从塔里钻出来,扑扑地拍打着翅膀。

    A pigeon emerges , wings flapping noisily , from the tower .

  3. 鸽子是和平的共同象征。

    The dove is a universal symbol of peace .

  4. 鸽子是和平的象征。

    The dove is an emblem of peace .

  5. 鸽子是和平的象征。

    The dove is symbolic of peace .

  6. 一只鸽子轻柔地咕咕叫。

    A dove cooed softly .

  7. 鸽子们低声咕咕地叫着,扑扇着翅膀飞进飞出。

    Pigeons fluttered in and out , cooing gently .

  8. 然后鸽子飞进了浓雾中,其闻名的归巢本能丧失了。

    Then the pigeons flew into thick fog , and the famous homing instinct failed .

  9. 鸽子常被视为和平的象征。

    The dove is usually regarded as a symbol of peace .

  10. 魔术师挥了一下手,鸽子就突然不见了。

    The magician waved his hand and the dove vanished .

  11. 老鹰抓住一只鸽子飞走了。

    The hawk snatched a pigeon and flew away .

  12. 那位老人把鸽子作为宠物饲养。

    The old man kept pigeons as pets .

  13. 男朋友放了她的鸽子,因此她那个周末心情很糟糕。

    Her boyfriend stood her up , so she spent the weekend feeling miserable .

  14. 所有的鸽子现在都在咕咕叫。

    All the doves are now cooing .

  15. 鸽子一边儿吃,一边儿咕咕地叫。

    The pigeon was eating and cooing at the same time .

  16. 现在正是鸽子配对儿的好时候。

    It 's a good time to pair the doves .

  17. 鸽子向空中飞去。

    The doves winged skyward .

  18. 尽管鸽子只有一个不大于你食指尖大小的脑子,它们却有着非常惊人的视觉记忆。

    Despite having a brain no bigger than the   tip   of your index finger , pigeons have a very impressive   visual memory .

  19. 老鼠和鸽子也许不是照看病人的最好的选择,但是这些生物有着较好的技能帮助人类治疗疾病。

    A rat or pigeon might not be the obvious choice to tend to someone who is sick , but these creatures have some   superior skills that could help the treatment of human diseases .

  20. 鸽子经常被视为很脏的鸟类和城市公害,但是它们最近刚刚被列入有能力帮助人类的动物行列中的一员。

    Pigeons are often seen as dirty birds and an urban   nuisance , but they are just the latest in a long line of animals that have been found to have abilities to help humans .

  21. 鸽子从百英里之外返回窝巢。

    The pigeon homed from a distance of 100 miles .

  22. 那男孩把屋顶上的鸽子吓飞了。

    The boy frightened away the pigeons from the roof .

  23. 一架警用直升机零化子:收集所有200只鸽子(飞鼠)

    Annihilator police helicopter : Collect all 200 pigeons ( flying rats ) .

  24. 例句:这些鸟都比不上洛杉矶的鸽子。

    None of those birds compare to L.A. pigeons .

  25. 鸽子在林中咕咕啼鸣

    The doves were cooing in the trees .

  26. 你要几个鸽子蛋?

    How many pigeon eggs do you need ?

  27. 鸽子咕咕的叫声

    the sound of pigeons cooing

  28. 他站了很长时间观察毕加索画的画,画中的鸽子看上去十分逼真。

    He stood for a long time looking at Picasso 's picture . The pigeons in the picture looked quite real .

  29. 我不知道她是故意放我的鸽子,还是只是迟到了——我会再等半个小时。

    I don 't know if I 've been stood up or if she 's just late - I 'll wait another half hour . 6 .

  30. 我一定要到醉花林中的沉寂的树影里搜寻,在这林中,鸽子在它们住的地方咕咕地叫着,仙女的脚环在繁星满天的静夜里丁当地响着。

    I must search in the drowsy7 shade of the bakula grove , where pigeons coo in their corner , and fairies ' anklets tinkle8 in the stillness of starry9 nights .