
ɡē pài
  • the dove faction;supporter of a peaceful policy
鸽派 [gē pài]
  • [doves] 采取调和态度(如在争论中)和赞成谈判、妥协的人

  • 他们是国会中鸽派代表,常常反对鹰派的冷战主张

  1. 鹰派和鸽派都充分阐明了各自的停战条件。

    Both hawks and doves have expanded their conditions for ending the war .

  2. 党内鸽派和鹰派在策略上似乎将要出现明显的分歧。

    A clear split over tactics appears to be emerging between doves and hawks in the party .

  3. 与会的鹰派和鸽派成员都有发表意见的机会。

    Both hawks and doves had their say at the meeting .

  4. 日本央行(bankofjapan)下任行长肯定是一位鸽派人物,而且,日元相对于贸易伙伴国货币的实际汇率仍比次贷危机之前高出近10%。

    The next bank of Japan governor is sure to be a dove , and in real terms against trading partners the yen is still almost 10 per cent stronger than before the subprime crisis .

  5. 美联储副主席斯坦利•费希尔(StanleyFischer)据信对近年美联储信条中某些鸽派色彩最浓重的方面持怀疑态度。

    Stanley Fischer , the vice chairman , is thought to be sceptical about some of the most dovish aspects of recent Fed orthodoxy .

  6. 鉴于鸽派一心想沿着极度宽松的方向去解读这些关键性问题,因此,很难理解他们为何会搁置推出新一轮QE的想法。

    Given the doves ' determination to interpret these key issues in the direction of highly accommodative policy , it is hard to explain why they have shelved their desire to introduce another bout of QE .

  7. 达德利在负责设定利率的联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)中是个著名的鸽派。他的这番言论表明,美联储QE3减速已成共识。

    The comments by a prominent dove on the rate-setting Federal Open Market Committee show that there is a consensus on tapering off the Fed 's third round of quantitative easing .

  8. 自日本外交政策鸽派人物福田康夫(yasuofukuda)去年9月份出任首相以来,中日两国在外交层面(如果不是在公共层面的话)的关系再度改善。

    If anything , relations at a diplomatic if not necessarily at a public level have improved again since Yasuo Fukuda , a foreign policy dove , became prime minister last September .

  9. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)经济学家发布的一份报告认为,即将到来的、受到鹰派欢迎的美国政府紧缩开支潮,将令央行鸽派人士长期占据上风&时间上可能持续至本十年的后半段。

    Alas No. a report issued by economists at Goldman Sachs argues that a coming wave of government belt-tightening , hailed by hawks everywhere , will actually keep central bank doves in control for a long stretch & perhaps well into the second half of this decade .

  10. 以色列内阁部长伊扎克.赫尔佐克是来自巴拉克“鸽派”的工党。

    Cabinet Minister Yitzhak Herzog is from Barak 's dovish Labor Party .

  11. 历史的发展趋势或许站在鸽派一边。

    The trend of history may be with the doves .

  12. 有些人在越南问题上是鸽派,在伊朗问题上是鹰派。

    Some were doves on Vietnam and hawks on Iran .

  13. 她不知道奇泽姆是鹰派还是鸽派。

    She didn 't know whether Chisholm was a hawk or a dove .

  14. 他既不是鸽派,也不是鹰派,而是中间派。

    He is neither a dove nor a hawk , but betwixt and between .

  15. 醒醒吧,茶党的鸽派们!

    Wake up , tea party doves !

  16. 而鸽派人士却有着不同的看法。

    But the doves see things differently .

  17. 鸽派则求助于柔情策略。

    The doves appeal to softer emotions .

  18. 到了9月份,鸽派会胜出,美联储会开始大举放松货币政策。

    By September , the doves win out and the Fed embarks on aggressive easing .

  19. 我可没有从鹰派蜕变成鸽派。

    " I did not moult from a hawk into a dove ," says Mr Gates .

  20. 从对这场战争的态度可以看出他是鸽派的。

    You can tell from his attitude towards the war that he 's one of the doves .

  21. 出于这些原因,鸽派得出结论:结构性失业率并未上升。

    For these reasons , the doves conclude that the level of structural unemployment has not risen .

  22. 鸽派虽然改变了他们的政策意见,但他们对于经济的基本看法却似乎仍和往常一样。

    The doves seem to have changed their policy conclusion without changing their basic view of the economy .

  23. 最后“鹰派”将可能被“鸽派”所取代。

    At last there is a chance that the hawks of war will be replaced by doves of peace .

  24. 与此同时,西方的一些鸽派人士说,激烈的对抗不可能有任何影响。

    Some doves in the West , meanwhile , say that a fierce reaction is unlikely to have any impact .

  25. 在军事上,虽然他坚定地反对入侵伊拉克,但他并不是一个鸽派人物。

    On military , he has opposed the invasion of Iraq from start , but he is far from dove .

  26. 而由鸽派外交部长利夫尼领导的中间-左翼集团获得了55个席位,其中7个是阿拉伯党派。

    The center-left , led by dovish Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni , has 55 seats including seven for Arab parties .

  27. 耶伦更认同1999年的版本,当失业率高企时(就像今天这样),它更具有鸽派的意味。

    MS Yellen prefers the 1999 rule , which has more dovish implications when unemployment is high , as it is today .

  28. 鹰派就会对维护协议失去信心,而鸽派则得到了不予支持的口实。

    The hawks would then lose heart in upholding the settlement , and the doves would have a pretext for not supporting it .

  29. 而且正如汤普森自己所说,他的书名《鹰派和鸽派》稍微有些容易让人产生误解。

    And , as Mr Thompson himself points out , his book 's title ," The Hawk and the Dove ", is slightly misleading .

  30. 但鸽派人士指出,事实并非如此,贝弗里奇曲线只是因为某些暂时性的原因才失效。

    But the doves argue that this is not the case , saying instead that the Beveridge curve has broken down for temporary reasons .