
xiù shuǐ
  • beautiful water
  1. 有些老外也到秀水街练摊儿。

    Even some foreigners have come to run a stall in silk alley ( a clothing market in beijing ) .

  2. 在株高、分蘖数、分蘖角度、剑叶角和千粒重这几项农艺性状上,秀水11的株高和千粒重均在LSD(0.05)水平上与其它三种水稻存在差异。

    The plant height and kernel weight of Xiushui 11 showed significant difference from another three species .

  3. 就一些粳稻抗性品种对褐稻虱(BPH)Nilaparvatalugens抗性进行了评价,水稻品种秀水48作感性品种对照。

    The resistance indices of japonica varieties resistant to the brown planthopper ( BPH ), Nilaparvata lugens , are described , The rice variety Xiushui 48 was used as susceptible control .

  4. 秀水街原来都是假货和仿制品。

    Silk Street used to be full of fakes and imitations .

  5. 雪莉:今天下午我们去秀水街怎么样?

    Shirley : How about we go to Silk Street this afternoon ?

  6. 出租车司机:是在秀水街的那个吗?

    Taxi Driver : Is it the one on Xiu Shui Street ?

  7. 秀水、美石和奇洞。水从水箱的洞中迸出。

    Clear water , mystic crags and grotesque caves .

  8. 老的秀水街早已被拆了。

    The old Silk street was torn down .

  9. 秀水青山绿学校

    Clean Water and Green Mountain Beautify the School

  10. 这里有一条新的秀水街。

    There 's a brand new Silk Street .

  11. 丽丽:没问题。这个周末我们一起去逛秀水街吧。

    Lili : No problem . Let 's go shopping along Xiushui Street this weekend .

  12. 辽宁法库秀水河一带,是个一日游的好去处。

    Sites around XiuSui of Faku , Liaoning , is a good choice for one day tour .

  13. 一个创造科举闱场奇迹的家族&广西富川县秀水村毛氏清代苏州科举世家研究

    A Family Working Wonders in Imperial Exams On the Family of Imperial Exam of Suzhou in Qing Dynasty

  14. 秀水与青山在这里辉映,古典与现代在这里交融。

    The water and the hills add radiance and beauty to each other , classical and modern reflect here .

  15. 您对外贸服装情有独钟,那可别错过秀水街和雅秀服装批发市场。

    If you are looking for export clothing , then you must not miss Xiushui StreetYaxiu Clothing Wholesale Market .

  16. 马克正在秀水市场检验他的砍价技巧,京晶扮演商贩的角色。

    Mark is testing his bargaining skills in the Silk Market , Jingjing plays the part of the Vendor .

  17. 这些名山秀水作为国家的象征、江山社稷的缩影,理应进行严格保护。

    As a symbol of the country and a microcosm of the state , these famous sceneries should be strictly protected .

  18. “水比漓江清,山比三峡险”,这是中外游客对龙庆峡景区奇山秀水的一致评价。

    The water is clearer than that of Lijiang River and the mountain is more dangerous than that of Three Gorges .

  19. 秀水街长约300米,主要经营服装、鞋帽和丝绸制品。

    Xiushui Street is about 300 meters long and mainly deals in silks and satins , clothing , footwear , headgear , etc.

  20. 我和朋友们成为秀水街、原来的五道口服装市场和动物园服装批发市场的常客。

    Friends and I became regulars at the Silk Market , the original Wudaokou Clothing Market and the Zoo Whole-sale Clothing Market .

  21. 秀水123和上师大3号水稻农艺性状、产量、食味品质及根系比较研究

    Comparison of agronomic characters , yield , edible quality and rootage between " Xiushui 123 " and " Shangshida 3 " rice varieties

  22. 她的创作心理深层内核来自故乡灵山秀水的滋润和道家文化的浸润。

    The profound inner core of her creative psychology comes from the moisture of her hometown 's nourishing soil and water and Taoist culture .

  23. 百年不遇的自然灾害,也不能损伤以奇山秀水闻名的湖南。

    Even such natural catastrophes cannot harm the beauty of this province – a province which is characterized by a mixture of water and mountains .

  24. 京晶:又高又大的人们应该试试去秀水街买衣服马克:我总听人们这么说,那我跟他们推荐一下吧。

    Big and tall folks should try the Silk Market . Mark : That 's what I keep hearing . I 'll recommend it to them .

  25. 您漫步在这灵山秀水间,真的有一种恍若隔世的奇妙感觉。

    You take a stroll at this works properly mountain show water ; really have a kind of feel like separate the marvelous felling of a life time .

  26. 对2个浙江晚粳优质米品种(秀水11和秀水63)和日本品种(越光和日本晴)进行品质比较。

    Grain qualities between Zhejiang short - grain rice cultivars ( Xiushui 11 and Xiushui 63 ) and Japanese rice cultivars ( Koshihikari and Nihonbare ) were compared .

  27. 秀水、美石和奇洞。康河,我敢说是全世界最秀丽的一条水。

    Clear water , mystic crags and grotesque caves . The River Cam , I would venture to say , is the most beautiful river in the world .

  28. 此处有青山秀水,辅以精致的园林建筑,有“太湖第一胜景”的美称。

    Beautiful mountains and waters are complemented by exquisite landscape and architecture in this park , earning it the title of " Taihu Lake 's most scenic spot " .

  29. 而铁岭市环保局的崔局长则表示,由于沈阳棋盘山风景区秀水湖受影响的面积很大,并不是一两家碎石场非法直排洗砂水就可以造成这么严重的后果。

    Because of the large pollution area of Xiu River , it has not been caused by the muddy emission from one or two stone pits , director of the bureau said .