
  • 网络SOUL;kia Soul;Shower
  1. 就其车内的大空间设计而言,菲亚特500L在美国的竞争对手包括小众的可爱呆瓜日产Cube(厂商建议零售价16760美元(约合人民币10.4万元))和起亚秀尔(KiaSoul)。

    In terms of its big-on-the-inside packaging , the 500L 's competitors in the U.S. include niche-y , adorable blockheads Nissan Cube ( $ 16760 MSRP ) and Kia Soul .

  2. 是以蒙古族乐器“托部秀尔”(弹拨乐器)伴奏,以表现马为主、又可自由发挥的舞蹈形式。

    Accompanied by " tambourine "( a kind of plucked musical instrument ), the dance mainly depicts the horse movement and can be expanded freely .