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  1. 鸿胪井刻石作为唐王朝有效对东北渤海政权行使统治的实物见证具有重要意义。

    As the objective witness of domination of the Tang Dynasty to northeast Bohai power , Honglu well stela is very important .

  2. 本文对先秦、秦汉时期大鸿胪官职的渊源及职能演变作一考略。

    The paper does a preliminary examination evolution strategy on the origin and function of this offcial in Qin and Han dynasty .

  3. 在中央,参与涉外事务的中书省和鸿胪寺设有译语人员;在地方,缘边州府由于执行对外交涉,行使对外权利,因而也有专门的翻译人员。

    In the local government , because the office of rim state is carried out and carried on negotiations to the ( outside ), exercise the foreign right , therefore there are special translators .