
mài jiā cháo shènɡ
  • hajj;haj
  1. 不过,麦加朝圣的开始似乎遭受没有重大变故。

    Still , the Hajj appeared to begin without major disruptions .

  2. 沙特阿拉伯王国上个月已经发布了前去参加麦加朝圣旅行者的脊灰免疫要求。

    The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia last month issued polio vaccination requirements for travellers to the Hajj .

  3. 5.n.朝圣vi.朝拜,朝圣他打算去麦加朝圣。

    He is plan to go on a pilgrimage to mecca .

  4. 为了防止H1N1流感的传播,阿拉伯国家的卫生部长们同意,对今年的麦加朝圣活动加以限制。

    Arab health ministers have agreed to impose restrictions on this year 's Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca in a bid to prevent the spread of the H1N1 swine flu .

  5. 这些病例发生时距离麦加朝圣(Hajjpilgrimage)还有一个月。每年麦加朝圣会吸引数百万穆斯林前往沙特朝圣。

    The cases come a month ahead of the Hajj pilgrimage , which draws millions of Muslim pilgrims to Saudi Arabia .

  6. 我们遇到许多去麦加朝圣的人。

    We met many pilgrims on their way to Mecca .

  7. 他在一年一度前往麦加朝圣的途中病倒了。

    He was on his annual pilgrimage to Mecca when he fell ill .

  8. 今年的麦加朝圣将从大约10月24日持续至29日。

    The Hajj pilgrimage runs this year from roughly Oct. 24 to Oct. 29 .

  9. 他要去麦加朝圣。

    He would make a pilgrimage to mecca .

  10. 他可能要去新的麦加朝圣吧。

    Probably on his way to new mecca .

  11. 去麦加朝圣过的朝圣者。

    A pilgrim who journeys to mecca .

  12. 教徒前往麦加朝圣的旅途为土耳其的圣地朝拜者准备的旅馆。

    A pilgrimage to Mecca made by the faithful . a hostel for pilgrims in Turkey .

  13. 他被邀请参加一个不久要去麦加朝圣的穆斯林代表团。

    He has been asked to join the Moslem delegation which is shortly going on a pilgrimage to Mecca .

  14. 数百万穆斯林人每年都要前往位于沙特阿拉伯的麦加朝圣。

    Million of Muslims participate in Hajj every year , traveling to the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia .

  15. 麦加朝圣把从160个国家的三百万穆斯林信徒聚集到圣城麦加。

    The event normally brings about three million Muslims from one hundred sixty countries to the holy city of Mecca .

  16. 沙特阿拉伯政府在准备麦加朝圣,今年的麦加朝圣开始于11月份的最后一周。

    In Saudi Arabia , officials are preparing for the Hajj , which starts this year during the last week of November .

  17. 为了证明自己不是华裔,这位印尼政治人物公开了自己的结婚证书,还在大选前夕前往麦加朝圣。

    The Indonesian politician released his marriage certificate to prove he wasn 't Chinese and made a pilgrimage to Mecca just before voting .

  18. 伊拉克政府希望议会能于下周议员们前往麦加朝圣前做出决定。

    The Iraqi government wants the parliament to make the decision before lawmakers would set out for a pilgrimage trip to Mecca next week .

  19. 在吉达建造一座设计精巧的建筑,能够提升每年数百万途经此地的麦加朝圣者的旅游体验。

    A well-designed building in Jeddah could enhance the visits of the millions of pilgrims who pass through it each year on their way to Mecca .

  20. 阿拉伯世界统治了咖啡行业有好几个世纪,之后,部分麦加朝圣者将咖啡豆走私到印度,这促使了印度的农业革命。

    For centuries , Arabia controlled the coffee industry until ( as legend has it ) a pilgrim from Mecca smuggled beans back to India and began an agricultural revolution .

  21. 每年,成百上千万穆斯林前往沙特圣地麦加朝圣。2015年朝圣的一个主题是发展之年,突显这个王国的经济和社会变革。

    In 2015 , a theme being widely applied to the hajj pilgrimage that brings millions of Muslims to Saudi holy sites each year is The Year of Development , to highlight significant economic and social changes in the kingdom .

  22. 沙特卫生部官员与国际卫生机构一起密切观察着前往圣城麦加进行朝圣的200多万名穆斯林。

    Saudi health officials , working with international health agencies the more than two million Muslims who made the pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca .

  23. 许多人前往麦加或耶路撒冷朝圣。

    Many people go on a pilgrimage to Mecca or Jerusalem .

  24. 前往麦加的穆斯林朝圣者

    Muslim pilgrims on their way to Mecca

  25. 穆罕默德就这样在麦加创立了惟一神,丝毫没有影响麦加朝圣者往来的数量。

    So Muhammad established the One True God in Mecca without injuring its pilgrim traffic .