
  • 网络University;macquarie university
  1. SeanTurnell是澳大利亚麦考瑞大学的经济学家,他说外国投资法正面临着当地的非难或倒退。

    Recent versions of the law restrict foreign ownership in some industries and ban it completely in others . Sean Turnell is an economist with Australia 's Macquarie University . He said the foreign investment law is now facing local , or push back .

  2. 麦考瑞大学附近有一两房公寓的一间招租。

    There is a room of double rooms apartment located at Cottonwood Crescent , Macquarie University available .

  3. 一起留学网留学学生获得麦考瑞大学MUIS奖学金。该学生是唯一获得此奖学金的中国留学生。

    Eduglobal student was the only offshore Chinese student to be awarded the new Macquarie MUIS Merit scholarship .

  4. 您能否告诉我们,麦考瑞大学国际传媒的声誉有多高?

    Can you tell us what is the reputation of Macquarie 's international communication ?

  5. 麦考瑞大学对条件优秀的申请者提供丰厚的奖学金。

    Macquarie University is now offering Merit scholarship to international applicants who demonstrated academic excellence of previous study .

  6. 据我了解,麦考瑞大学的国际学生办公室向国际学生提供支持,包括学习技能和学习进步治理。

    I understand that Macquarie University International Office provides support for international students , such as study skills and progression monitoring .

  7. 张岩(音)在麦考瑞大学就读之后就定居在悉尼了。他在新上海餐馆订了一份猪肉水饺作为午饭。

    Yan Zhang , who settled in Sydney after studying at Macquarie University , orders a lunch of pork dumplings at the New Shanghai restaurant .

  8. 王燕玲在澳大利墨尔本皇家理工大学亚获得商业会计学士学位,并在麦考瑞大学获得应用金融学硕士学位。

    Yen Leng obtained both her Bachelor 's degree ( Business in Accounting ) from RMIT and Master 's degree ( Applied Finance ) from Macquarie University in Australia .

  9. 悉尼麦考瑞大学的语言学家斯蒂芬·克若恩倾向于这种观点:“我总在想孩子们掌握至少一种以上语言是有好处的,”克若恩教授说。

    Linguist Stephen Crain of Sydney 's Macquarie University tended to agree : " I 've always thought it would be beneficial to expose our children to more than one language ," he said .