
huánɡ tǐ nánɡ zhǒnɡ
  • corpus luteum cyst
  1. 目的:探讨卵巢黄体囊肿破裂的临床特征及相关因素。

    Objective : To investigate clinical characteristics and related factors of rupture of ovarian corpus luteum cyst ( ROCLC ) .

  2. 2例经临床分析诊断为卵巢黄体囊肿破裂,保守治疗而愈。

    Cases were diagnosed with rupture of ovarian corpus luteum cyst and they recovered after the routine conservative treatment .

  3. 结论:腹痛是卵巢破裂的主要症状,右侧卵巢破裂多于左侧,其中黄体囊肿破裂最常见,易误诊为异位妊娠破裂等,停经史、血HCG及腹痛特点是鉴别诊断的主要依据。

    Conclusion : Hypogastralgia was cardinal symptom , ovariorrhexis occurred more frequently in right ovarian , rupture of corpus luteum cyst was common .

  4. 结论经阴道彩色普勒超声扫查结合血HCG检测以及后穹窿穿刺是诊断卵巢黄体囊肿破裂的敏感方法。既方便又有效。

    Conclusion It is the sensitive , convenient and effective method to diagnoses corpus luteum rupture with the TVCDI checking combined with blood HCG examination and puncture of posterior vaginal fornix .

  5. 黄体囊肿出血的超声图像分析

    Analysis of the sonographic features of hemorrhagic corpus luteum cyst

  6. 彩色直方图对异位妊娠孕囊与卵巢黄体囊肿的对比分析

    Sonographic Comparison of Ectopic Gestational Sac with Corpus Luteum by Color Histogram

  7. 卵巢黄体囊肿的超声图像特征及鉴别诊断

    Ultrasonographic appearance and diagnosis of the corpus luteum

  8. 黄体囊肿破裂误诊1例报告

    A case of misdiagnosed ruptured lutein cyst

  9. 卵泡囊肿移行黄体囊肿的荷斯坦奶牛的治疗实验

    The Therapeutic Experiment of a Follicular Cyst Migrating to Luteal Cyst in a Holstein Cow

  10. 由于绒毛持续存在,血中促绒毛膜性腺激素(β-hCG)可保持较高水平,致使卵巢黄体囊肿不消退。

    Persistent ovarian carpus luteum cyst was found in some cases owing to high level beta hCG in blood .

  11. 目的了解早孕时黄体囊肿的二维灰阶图像、彩色和脉冲多普勒超声特点。

    Objective To understand the gray-scale , color and pulsed Doppler sonographic feature of the corpus luteum during the early trimester of pregnancy .

  12. 用药错误主要是因为直肠检查难以准确区分不同类型的卵巢功能异常(如无法辨别卵巢囊肿和黄体囊肿)。

    The causes of inappropriate hormone thereby mainly were misdiagnosis of different types of ovary dysfunction by rectal palpation ( e.g. misjudgement of follicular cyst from luteal cyst ) .

  13. 92.3%(156/169)的黄体囊肿周边检测出彩色血流,表现为环绕全部或部分黄体囊肿的彩色血流环。

    Color blood flow was visualized with color Doppler imaging in 92.3 % ( 156 / 169 ) . Color Doppler imaging typically revealed a circumferential rim surrounding part or all of the corpus luteum .

  14. 用于治疗动物延迟排卵、卵巢静止、持久黄体、卵巢囊肿等。

    To treat delayed ovulation , Inactive ovary , durable luteinizing , ovarian cyst .

  15. 催产素治疗奶牛持久黄体和黄体囊肿期间乳汁孕酮水平变化

    Changs in the level of milk progesterone in cows with persistent corpus luteal and luteal cyst during oxytocin-therapy

  16. 结果经TVS检查总的诊断符合率为96.8%,其中异位妊娠、盆腔炎性肿块、黄体破裂、卵巢囊肿或皮样囊肿扭转分别为96.1%、97.4%、96.0%、91.7%。

    Results The ac (?) racy of diagnosis with TVS was 96.8 % . The accuracy of ectopic pregnancy 、 pelvic inflammatory mass 、 ruputred corpus luteum and torsion of ovarian cyst or dermoid cyst was 96.1 % 、 97.4 % 、 96.0 % and 91.7 % respectively .

  17. 左侧可见黄体细胞形成了囊肿的内层,包围在旁边的是卵泡膜细胞。

    Note the luteinized cells forming the inner cyst lining at the left , with adjacent surrounding theca cells .

  18. 异位妊娠、黄体破裂、卵巢囊肿扭转或破裂及急性盆腔炎易与急性阑尾炎、急性胃肠炎等疾病混淆。

    The following diseases were susceptible to misdiagnosis , such as ectopic pregnancy , rupture of corpus luteum , torsion of orarian cyst and acute pelvic infectious disease , which were confused with acute appendicitis and gastroenteritis .