
  1. 受日本胶囊公寓的启发,黄日新,住在北京的退休电工,建了几间移动胶囊公寓供出租。

    Inspired by Japan 's capsule hotel , Huang Rixin , a retired electricity engineer living in Beijing , built several portable capsule apartments for lease .

  2. 去年,黄日新偶然在报纸上看到日本胶囊旅馆的报道,于是他萌生了建造属于自己的“胶囊公寓”的想法。

    After Huang Rixin accidentally saw the Capsule hotel from Japan on the newspaper last year , he had the idea of building his own " Capsule Apartment " .

  3. 黄日新希望第三代胶囊公寓能成为模板,得到政府重视并采纳推广,以解决城市流动人口的居住问题。

    Huang hopes the third generation of capsule apartments will become a model in the future and attract the government 's support to solve the housing problems of the floating population .