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  • 网络Joe Wong;Joe Huang
  1. 我叫黄西,但对于大多数人来说,我叫Who(HU),这实际上是我妈妈的娘家姓,也是我信用卡密保问题的答案。

    My name is Joe Wong . But to most people , I am known as Who ? which is actually my mothers maiden name , and the answer to my credit card security question .

  2. 各位晚上好,我是JoeWong(黄西)。

    Good evening everyone , my name is Joe Wong .

  3. 黄西说,而在我这个领域,你几乎看不到中国人的影子。

    But in my area , you hardly found any Chinese .

  4. 得知黄西接受了他们的邀请后,刘宇非常兴奋。

    Liu is excited that Huang has accepted the invitation .

  5. 黄西说,成功的关键或标志是做你喜欢做的事,或是从工作中找到兴趣所在。

    The key , or the symbol to success is doing the thing you like , or finding an interest in your work , Wong said .