
  • 网络Huang Chunming;Chung-Ming Huang
  1. 第一部分,主要阐述黄春明与底层写作传统之间的关系。

    The first part , mainly on the bottom and Huang Chun-ming of the relationship between traditional writing .

  2. 第一节通过对黄春明的文学创作观的分析,说明他具有浓厚的小人物情结和底层意识。

    Huang Chun-ming through the first quarter of the literary creation of the analysis show that he is strong sentiment and little awareness of the bottom .

  3. 结合文本从黄春明自身的情感态度与写作立场、乡村、城市、老人四个方面的困惑来表述现代性语境下的悖论。

    We express the paradox in the context of modernity through texts and analyze the emotional attitude , position of writing , rural , urban , and elderly people .

  4. 关注“弱势群体”,同铸艺术情结&台湾乡土作家王祯和与黄春明创作比较

    Paying Attention to " the Inferior Masses " and Casting the Artistic Complex Together & Comparison on the Literary Creation of WANG Zhen-he and HUANG Chun-ming , Two of Taiwan 's Local Writers

  5. 台湾著名作家黄春明自二十世纪五十年代踏入文坛以来,一直以具有高度责任感的现实主义精神紧密地关注社会焦点,孜孜不倦地创作了一系列影响深远的作品。

    Huang Chun-ming has been having a high sense of responsibility in a spirit of realism and close attention to the focus of society , creating a series of far-reaching impact of the works tirelessly as a well-known Taiwanese writer from the 50s into the 21 century .

  6. 第二节分析黄春明笔下的乡土底层世界的生命情态,主要从三个方面展开:丰满的人性和丰富的心灵世界,对人生尊严的追求和人格的自证,永不放弃的韧性生命力。

    Section II of Huang Chun-ming described by the local bottom of the world lives Modal , mainly from three aspects : the fullness of humanity and rich spiritual world , the dignity of life and the pursuit of self-personality , never give up the toughness of vitality .