
huáng qín
  • Scutellaria baicalensis;root of large-flowered skullcap
黄芩 [huáng qín]
  • [root of large-flowered skullcap] 植物名。多年生草本,根色深黄,可入药

  • 黄芩之种为多。--[英]赫胥黎著、 严复译《天演论》

黄芩[huáng qín]
  1. 黄芩的抗菌活性及HPLC分析

    Antimicrobial Activity of Scutellaria Baicalensis Georgi and HPLC Analysis

  2. 黄芩茎叶总黄酮对培养大鼠心肌细胞H2O2损伤的保护作用

    Protection of Scutellaria Baicalensis Stem-leaf Total Flavonoid against H_2O_2 Damage to Cultured Rat Myocardial Cells

  3. 野黄芩甙元及其类似物对蛋白激酶C的抑制作用

    Inhibition of protein kinase C by scutellarein and its analogues

  4. HPLC法测定双黄滴丸中黄芩苷和绿原酸的含量

    Determination of chlorogenic acid and baicalin in shuanghuanglian pill by HPLC

  5. 方法:用HPLC法测定不同炮制规格黄芩及其煎煮液中黄芩甙的含量。

    Method : The content of baicalin was determined by HPLC .

  6. HPLC研究甘肃黄芩水煎液指纹图谱

    Study on fingerprint atlas of S. rehderiana Diels Decoction by HPLC

  7. N2O饱和黄芩苷水溶液的辐解机理

    Radiolysis Mechanism of Baicalin Aqueous Solution Saturated with N_2O

  8. 不同来源黄芩药材HPLC指纹图谱比较

    Comparative study on HPLC-FPS of Radix Scutellariae of various sources

  9. HPLC测定复方金银花颗粒中绿原酸与黄芩苷含量

    Determination of Chlorogenic Acid and Baicalin in Compound Lonicera Granules by HPLC

  10. 安宫牛黄胶囊中的黄芩苷和盐酸小檗碱的HPLC测定

    Determination of Baicalin and Berberine Hydrochloride in Angong Niuhuang Capsules by HPLC

  11. 无氧黄芩甙乙醇溶液辐解产物的HPLC分离

    HPLC separation of radiolysis products of deaerated baicalin ethanolic solution

  12. 目的应用HPLC法对三黄片中黄芩进行含量测定。

    OBJECTIVE To determine content of Baicalin in Sanhuang tablet by HPLC .

  13. 黄芩及其炮制品黄芩片的HPLC指纹图谱研究

    Study on the HPLC Fingerprint of Radix Scutellariae and Its Processed Pieces

  14. HPLC法测定芷鹅鼻炎颗粒中野黄芩苷的含量

    Determination of Scutellarin in Zhi-e Rhinitis Granules With HPLC Method

  15. 用HPLC法测定人血浆中野黄芩苷的蛋白质结合率

    Determination of binding rate of scutellarin to human plasma protein by HPLC method

  16. HPLC法测定黄芩素静脉注射亚微乳剂的含量

    HPLC determination of baicalein submicron emulsion for injection

  17. HPLC法测定黄芩总黄酮部位3种成分的含量

    Quantitative determination of three compositions in total flavone fraction of Radix Scutellariae by HPLC

  18. HPLC测定不同采收时间半枝莲中的野黄芩苷含量

    Content Measurement of Scutellarin in Scutellaria barbata D. Don from Different Harvest Time by HPLC

  19. 黄芩素与辅酶Q(10)对大鼠视网膜光损伤防护作用的研究

    Protection of baicalein and coenzyme Q_ ( 10 ) on retinal photic injury in rats

  20. 实验结果证明:随着pH值的增大,黄芩苷的溶解度也随之增加,pH增大到5.0后,溶解度开始显著增加。

    The solubility increased with the increase of pH and it had a significant increase after pH increased to 5.0 .

  21. 方法:采用HPLC法对黄芩苷含量进行了测定。

    Methods : Adopted the HPLC method to carried on the measurement to the content of Baicalin .

  22. 结论:黄芩苷对BCG加LPS致小鼠免疫性肝损伤有显著的保护作用,这可能与它增加机体的抗氧化能力有关。

    Conclusion : Baicalin has the liver - protection effect .

  23. 方法采用HPLC对不同采收时间半枝莲中的野黄芩苷含量进行测定。

    Don from different harvest time were also measured . Methods The contents of scutellarin were measured by HPLC .

  24. 黄芩苷元选择性诱导人白血病K562细胞凋亡

    Baicalein selectively induce apoptosis in human leukemia K562 cells

  25. 结果:野黄芩甙ip给药,对正常大鼠的体温无明显影响,用药前后体温变化差异无显著性(P>0.05)。

    Results : Before and after scutellarin was given to normal rats , there was no obvious difference in body temperature ( P > 0.05 ) .

  26. HPLC法测定黄芩叶、花、种子中褪黑激素的含量

    Detection and Quantification of Melatonin in Leaves , Flowers and Seeds of Baikal Skullcap ( Scutellaria baicalensis ) by HPLC

  27. 方法MTT法测定黄芩素对胃癌SGC-7901细胞生长抑制率。

    Methods MTT assay was used to determine the cell inhibitory rate .

  28. 黄芩苷对脑缺血大鼠的治疗作用及对Caspase-3的影响

    Effect on Therapy and Expression of Caspase-3 of Baicalin in Rats with Cerebral Ischemia

  29. RP-HPLC测定天麻钩藤制剂中钩藤碱和黄芩苷的含量

    Determination of the contents of rhynchophylline and baicalin in Tianma Gouteng Yin by RP-HPLC

  30. 黄芩苷对HL-60细胞增殖、凋亡、分化的影响及其作用机制的探讨

    The Effects and Mechanisms of Baicalin on Inducing HL-60 Cells Apoptosis and Growth Inhibition