
  • 网络Paeonia lutea;P.lutea;Paeonialutea;P. lutea var. ludlowii
  1. 对黄牡丹的花粉萌发条件的研究结果表明:4个黄牡丹居群花粉萌发所需pH值表现出两水平分化;

    The findings of the conditions for the pollen germination of Paeonia lutea showed that pH values needed by four different Paeonia lutea populations took on two level differentiation .

  2. 黄牡丹与芍药组间杂交花粉与柱头识别的解剖学研究

    Anatomical Studies on Pollen-stigma Interaction in Intersectional Cross of Paeonia lutea and Paeonia lactiflora

  3. 洛阳牡丹产业化进程中存在的问题及对策紫牡丹、黄牡丹、大花黄牡丹引种与迁地保护研究

    Discussion on the Problem in Luoyang Peony Industrialization and its Countermeasure ; Introduction and Ex-situ Conservation of Paeonia Delavayi 、 Paeonia Lutea 、 Paeonia Ludlowii

  4. 迄今为止关于黄牡丹的研究主要集中在系统分类、染色体、孢粉学等有限的领域;对黄牡丹种子生理学的研究偶见报道;而对其抗旱性的研究至今未见报道。

    The researches on P. lutea so far have been mostly concentrated in taxonomic classification , chromosome , palynology and some other limited fields . Few of studies were related to its seed physiology , whereas there was not any research report found about drought resistance of this species .