
  • 网络slime
  1. 苗条的天鹅和纤细的臭鼬在滑滑的黏泥上游泳。

    Slim swans and slender skunks swim in the slippery slime .

  2. 胞外多聚物评价黏泥剥离剂方法的研究及评价

    The Study and Evaluation on the Method of Slime Remover Determined by Extracellular Polymer

  3. 乙烯厂循环水生物黏泥超标的原因分析及对策TS-868对菌藻和生物黏泥具有极佳的剥离、杀灭和清洗作用。

    Analysis of and countermeasures on why the biogenic sludge in the circulating water of ethylene complex exceeded the standard scope The bactericidal effect of TS-868 is superior to traditional mono-quaternary ammonium salt bactericide .

  4. 水质对生物黏泥胞外聚合物成分的影响

    Effects of cooling water quality on compositions of extracellular polymeric substances in biofouling

  5. 压力降法在循环冷却水系统黏泥监控中的应用

    Application of pressure drop to the biofilm monitor in circulating cooling water system

  6. 一种黏泥剥离剂评价方法的初步探讨

    Discussion of an evaluation method of biofilm strippers

  7. 循环冷却水中营养物水平与生物黏泥生长特性的相关性

    Relationship between nutrition substance concentration and biofouling growth characteristics in recirculating cooling water system

  8. 抑制食品行业循环冷却水生物黏泥形成的探讨

    Approach to the inhibition of the formation of biological sludge in industrial circulating cooling water

  9. 采用涂层技术抑制凝汽器中生物黏泥的实验研究

    Experimental researches on the application of coating technique to inhibiting the biological slime in steam condensers

  10. 藻类及生物黏泥是工业循环冷却水系统的主要危害之一。

    Algae and slime are one of the main harms in industrial circulating cooling water systems .

  11. 黏泥如果沉积在换热器内,使传热效率迅速降低;

    If the sludge deposits in the heat exchanger , the heat exchanging efficiency will decline quickly .

  12. 介绍使用生物膜监测仪在循环水系统开展黏泥监控的原理、安装及使用情况。

    The principle , installation and application of the biofilm monitor in the cooling water system are described .

  13. 而循环冷却水系统生物黏泥的产生主要是因系统发生漏油事故所致。

    And the main reason to bring biological sludge into circulating water system is caused by oil-leaking accident .

  14. 它对细菌、菌藻、生物黏泥具有极佳的剥离、杀灭、清洗效果,兼具缓蚀效果。

    It has an excellent effect on stripping , destroying and cleaning germs , algae , and slime and also inhibits the corrosion .

  15. 采用高效、广谱杀菌灭藻剂来抑制藻类及生物黏泥是目前工业水处理技术的主要措施。

    Using high-effective and universal biocide and algicide to control algae and slime is the main measure of industrial water treat-ment technology at present .

  16. 生物膜能捕获有机体和无机杂质产生复杂的生物黏泥,生物黏泥能引起热交换器的堵塞式泄漏,影响热交换并产生腐蚀环境。

    Biofilm traps the organisms , organic and inorganic debris creating complex biological sludge which causes frequent jam or leak of the heat transfer and creating a corrosive environment .

  17. 江苏沙钢集团宏发炼铁厂高炉煤气洗涤水管道长期存在黏泥沉积、通径变窄现象。

    There always was much coherent sludge sediment in the blast furnace gas washing water pipe and the pipe became narrow in Hongfa iron making plant of Jiangsu Shagang group .

  18. 用炼锌厂锌灰为原料合成低水硼酸锌的研究乙烯厂循环水生物黏泥超标的原因分析及对策

    Study on Preparation of Lowly Hydrated Zinc Borate from Zinc Ash Analysis of and countermeasures on why the biogenic sludge in the circulating water of ethylene complex exceeded the standard scope