
  • 网络MONTENEGRO;Montenegrin;Black Mountain;black hills;Black Mesa
  1. 许多旧金山作家开始发表在西德Corman的起源和黑山审查,众议院期刊黑山组。

    Manyof the San Francisco writers began to publish in Cid Corman 's Originand in the Black Mountain Review , the house journals of the BlackMountain group .

  2. 还有植物立体分布的大黑山;

    Still there is stereoscopic plant the big and black mountain that distribute ;

  3. 黑山,令人意想不到的G组头名,今天飞抵伦敦,声称英格兰是一个可敬畏的对手。

    Surprise Group G leaders Montenegro fly into London today claiming England are the team who should be worried .

  4. 莱芜黑山羊松果体超微结构及5-HT分布的季节性变化

    Season-related Changes of the Ultrastructure and Distribution of Serotonin ( 5-HT ) of Laiwu Black Goat 's Pineal Body

  5. 介绍了相关概念和应急管理理论的F模型。第三部分,黑山县禽流感的发生及应急管理过程。

    It Introduced the related concept of emergency management theory and the " F model . " The third part , the avian flu in Heishan County and emergency management process .

  6. 对承钢黑山铁矿TiO2品位33%左右的粗钛精矿进行了不磨矿的粗粒级浮选或磨矿后细粒级浮选试验研究;

    The trial researches are conducted separately with coarse-grain flotation without grinding and fine-grain flotation after grinding for crude titaniferous concentrate with TiO2 grade of about 33 percent .

  7. 云南东川地区昆阳群黑山组凝灰岩锆石SHRIMPU-Pb年龄及其地层学意义

    SHRIMP U-Pb dating and its stratigraphic significance of tuff zircons from Heishan Formation of Kunyang Group , Dongchuan area , Yunnan Province , China

  8. 显示屏上是一篇新闻发布稿,报道的是在塞尔维亚制造的首批菲亚特500L型汽车从黑山(Montenegro)运抵巴尔的摩港(PortofBaltimore)的消息。

    On the screen was a news release about the first load of Serbia-built Fiat 500Ls arriving from Montenegro to the Port of Baltimore .

  9. 采用免疫组化SABC法,对冬季莱芜黑山羊松果体中含5羟色胺细胞及纤维进行研究。

    In winter , cells and fibers containing 5HT in Laiwu Black Gout 's pineal body were investigated by immunohistochemical SABC method .

  10. 在黑山共和国,为赢得一项条件更优厚的合同,Magyar也向该国政府官员塞了钱。

    In Montenegro , Magyar funnelled cash to government officials to win a more generous contract .

  11. 不丹中部的黑山成为两大河系MoChhu和DrangmeChhu的分水岭。

    The Black Mountains in central Bhutan form a watershed between two major river systems , the Mo Chhu and the Drangme Chhu .

  12. 斯洛文尼亚一家软件开发商hermessoftlab已在波斯尼亚、塞尔维亚和黑山创造了200个工作机会相当于其员工总数的四分之一。

    Hermes softlab , a Slovenian software developer , has created 200 jobs in Bosnia , Serbia and Montenegro one-quarter of its total payroll .

  13. 而黑山震群地震时间多分形结构没有出现明显异常,Dq-q曲线平缓,f(α)-α谱曲线跨度较小。

    The obvious abnormal precursors can not be found from temporal multifractal structure for Heishan earthquake swarm . The change of Dq-q curve is not obvious and distribution range of f (α) - α spectra is small .

  14. 今年共有11名候选人入选FIVB名人堂,除牟作云外还有2名教练:斯洛伐克共和国的纳塔利娅·赫伊科娃教练和黑山共和国的波格丹·坦耶维奇教练。

    Mou is among 11 inductees into the Hall of Fame this year together with two other fellow coaches : Natalia Hejkova of Slovak Republic and Bogdan Tanjevic of Montenegro .

  15. 以我国辽宁黑山膨润土为原料,制备了铬交联膨润土(Cr-CLB)和钴交联膨润土(Co-CLB)。

    Hydroxy-chromium cross-linked bentonite ( Cr-CLB ) and hydroxy-cobalt crosslinked bentonite ( Co-CLB ) were prepared with clay from Heishan , Liaoning Province , China as raw material . The effects of preparation parameters on the property of cross-linked products were studied .

  16. 黑山的高等教育只有大学层面的。

    Higher education in Montenegro is only provided at university level .

  17. 据估计塞尔维亚和黑山有人口1千80万。

    Serbia and Montenegro has an estimated population of10.8 million .

  18. 甘肃黑山梁金矿以硅质岩为主要含矿岩石的金矿床。

    The host of gold deposit in Heishanliang is a silica rocks .

  19. 新疆黑山煤液化重质油组成结构研究

    Composition of a heavy oil from direct liquefaction of Xinjiang Heishan coal

  20. 来自黑山共和国的演员在街道上表演。

    Performers from Montenegro perform on a street in Istanbul .

  21. 黑山共和国是一个非欧盟成员国使用欧元的国家。

    Montenegro is one of the non-EU states which uses the euro .

  22. 自贡黑山羊生后期生长发育规律的研究

    Study on the growth law of Zigong black goat after being born

  23. 苏族被迫转移至黑山深处

    The Sioux are forced deep into the Black Hills .

  24. 辽宁黑山恐龙化石的发现及其地层意义

    Discovery of the Dinosaur Fossil in Heishan , Liaoning and Its Stratigraphical Significance

  25. 而对塞尔维亚和黑山队,这是他们世界杯征程中最大的惨败。

    It was the worst FIFA World Cup defeat for Serbia and Montenegro .

  26. 黑山县科技支撑县域经济发展对策研究

    Scientific and Technological Support to the County Economic Development of Countermeasures of Heishan

  27. 新疆黑山烟煤与塔河石油渣油共处理的研究

    Study on the coprocessing of Xinjiang Heishan bituminous coal with Tahe petroleum residue

  28. 黑山是南斯拉夫西南部一地区,位于亚得里亚海沿岸。

    Montenegro is a region of southwest Yugoslavia bordering on the Adriatic Sea .

  29. 海南黑山羊生长期的能量与蛋白质需要量

    Energy and Protein Requirements of Growing Hainan Black Goats

  30. 黑龙江省黑山大理岩饰面石材矿床地质特征及综合利用

    The geologic features and comprehensive utilization of Heishan marble deposit of Heilongjiang Province