
Hēi lónɡ jiānɡ shěnɡ
  • Heilongjiang Province
  1. 国家林草局要求黑龙江省采取措施消除对野生虎个体安全的威胁因素,做好巡查工作,同时加强对当地村民的宣传。

    The National Forestry and Grassland Administration has urged efforts to eliminate threats to wild tigers in Heilongjiang province , conducting patrols and improving awareness among villagers .

  2. 加入WTO后黑龙江省农机修造企业的对策

    Countermeasures of Heilongjiang Province Agricultural Machinery Repair and Producing Enterprises after Joining WTO

  3. 当地政府表示,黑龙江省暴雪已导致100多个航班取消,高速路和学校也被迫关闭。

    Snowstorms in China 's northernmost province of Heilongjiang have grounded more than 100 flights and forced expressways and schools to be closed , local authorities said .

  4. 黑龙江省气象中心的数据显示,哈尔滨、牡丹江等地的降雪达到25.8毫米,部分地区的积雪厚度达到17厘米。

    Snowfall of up to 25.8 mm was recorded in cities including Harbin and Mudanjiang , bringing a blanket of snow 17 cm deep in some places , according to the province 's meteorological center .

  5. 共轭型亚油酸对B(a)P诱导小鼠前胃癌的抑制作用:150001黑龙江省哈尔滨医科大学营养与食品卫生教研室

    The inhibitory effect of CLA on mice forestomach neoplasia induced by B ( a ) P

  6. WTO与黑龙江省绿色食品

    WTO and Green Foods in Heilongjiang Province

  7. 加入WTO对黑龙江省玉米、大豆、水稻生产与贸易的影响与对策

    Influence and Strategy to Production and Trade for Maize , Soybean , and Rice in Heilongjiang Province after Entering WTO of China

  8. GIS支持下的黑土区环境地球化学空间特征研究&以黑龙江省黑土区为例

    Study On Environmental Geochemistry Spatial Characteristic of Black Soil Based on GIS & A Case Study on Black Soil Region of Heilongjiang

  9. 3S技术在黑龙江省防汛指挥系统中的应用

    Application of 3S Technology in the Flood Control Command System of Heilongjiang Province

  10. 2006年推广面积59.67万hm2,有力地推动了黑龙江省大豆的发展。

    Extending area was 596 700 hm2.It promotes soybean development of Heilongjiang province .

  11. 实验得到的黑龙江省大豆的近红外脂肪酸定标模型与国标方法的相关性为96.1%,SEC为0.18%。

    The relativity of the calibration model gained from the experiment is 96.1 percent , SEC is 0.18 percent .

  12. 本周,黑龙江省一座由国营龙煤矿业控股集团(longmeiminingholdinggroup)经营的煤矿发生爆炸,100多人遇难。

    This week more than 100 people died after an explosion at a mine in Heilongjiang province run by the state-owned Longmei mining holding group .

  13. 方法:整群抽样选取黑龙江省9个市(地)为样本地,利用SPSS统计分析1993~2002年病残儿医学鉴定情况。

    Methods : The data from medical expertise of disable infants were selected in nine cities of Heilongjiang from 1993 to 2002 and were studied by SPSS .

  14. 关于黑龙江省600MW机组定子接地保护时限定值的探讨

    Stator Ground Protection Time-Lag for 600 MW Generator in Heilongjiang

  15. 通过SWOT分析方法得出黑龙江省农产品物流的内部发展优势、劣势和外部环境的机遇与挑战。

    Through the SWOT analysis of the logistics of agricultural products in Heilongjiang province the development of internal strengths and weaknesses , and the external environment opportunities and challenges .

  16. gallica是黑龙江省境内出现概率最大的一个生物种;

    Gallica was the most common species in Heilongjiang Province .

  17. 黑龙江省进口M-160型机车使用现状及生产预测

    Using Status Quo and Production Forecast for New Holland M-160 Tractor in Heilongjiang Province

  18. 土壤保墒剂DQ-1在黑龙江省西部风沙土中保水效能研究与分析

    Research and Analysis on the soilwater retention efficiency of the absorbent DQ-1 in the sandy soil of the West Heilongjiang Province

  19. 研究结果显示:在1960年至2000年间,黑龙江省的年降水量变化趋势是每10a增加2.229mm,这一变化趋势不显著;

    For the period of 1960 – 2000 , the change of annual precipitation in Heilongjiang Province , with an increasing trend of 2.229 mm per decade , is not significant ;

  20. 通过对黑龙江省600MW发电机定子接地保护的分析,并结合国内外发电机定子接地保护选取的原则,对600MW发电机定子接地保护减小时限定值的可能性进行了讨论。

    By analyzing stator ground protection of 600 MW generator in Heilongjiang and following foreign and domestic established guidelines for stator ground protection time-lag , explores the possibility of decreasing the time-lag for the 600 MW generator .

  21. 黑龙江省北部小麦田杂草调查

    Weed Survey in Wheat Fields in North Region of Heilongjiang Province

  22. 黑龙江省设施蔬菜现状及可持续发展对策

    Sustainable development countermeasure and present condition of installation vegetables in heilongjiang

  23. 黑龙江省电网负荷模型的在线测辨研究

    Study on measurement and identification on-line of Heilongjiang grid load model

  24. 黑龙江省1986-2000年大豆育种研究成就与展望

    Achievement and Prospect of soybean breeding in Heilongjiang Province from 1986-2000

  25. 黑龙江省东部水源区植被土壤水源涵养功能分析

    Water-source Conservation Function of Forest Soil in East of Heilongjiang Province

  26. 黑龙江省精品课程《有机化学》的建设与实践

    Establishment and Practice of Heilongjiang Province Quality Course & Organic Chemistry

  27. 黑龙江省中早熟玉米淀粉积累的动态分析

    Analysis on Starch Accumulation of Mid-early Maize Varieties in Heilongjiang Province

  28. 黑龙江省医疗救治系统医院救治能力现状分析

    Analysis on medical care capability status of hospitals in Heilongjiang province

  29. 黑龙江省2000&2006年大豆良种工程进展

    Soybean well-breed engineering development of Heilongjiang province from 2000 to 2006

  30. 黑龙江省烟草专卖局(公司)管理信息系统的设计

    Suining Tobacco Company Design of Heilongjiang Cigarette department information Management system