
  • 【农】single cropping
  1. 甘肃一熟灌区高效农田模式优化筛选

    Optimization on High Effect Multiple Cropping Pattern in Irrigated Area of Gansu

  2. 一熟制春玉米吉林省产区超高产田的理论基础与技术关键

    The Theory and Techniques of Maize Super-high Yield on the Single Crop a Year in Jilin Province

  3. 复种、间作农田单位面积产值分别为单作一熟农田的1.76和1.35倍。

    The unit area value of double cropping , row cropping was 1.76 and 1.35 times of sole cropping .

  4. 单位面积产量分别为单作一熟农田的1.63、1.29和1.16倍;

    The unit area yield of sequential cropping , row cropping , crop rotation was 1.63 , 1.29 and 1.16 times of sole cropping .

  5. 结果表明,一熟茭品种蒋墅茭的发病率、危害程度及相应的产量损失要高于二熟茭(秋茭);

    The result showed that in disease percentage , disease index and yield loss , one-harvest water bamboo was higher than two-harvest ( autumn-harvest ) .

  6. 结果表明,与单作一熟农田相比,复种、间作及轮作农田土地利用效率分别提高62%、38%和21%;

    The result showed , comparing with sole cropping , the land use efficiency of sequential cropping , row cropping , crop rotation raised by 62 % , 38 % and 21 % .

  7. 随着棉花种植结构战略调整,我国需要发展两熟制种植模式,两熟种植区域适当北移,增粮保棉,一熟棉区向滨海滩涂和旱碱地区适当转移。

    With the strategic adjustment of cotton planting structure in China , it is need to develop double-cropping system , and to transfer it northward , to transfer cotton single-cropping region to beach and drought / salina area in order to insure grain production .

  8. 针对宁南半干旱区一熟有余、两熟不足的气候条件,在灌溉农田开展了以间作套种为主的高效多熟种植模式试验研究。

    Based on the situation of heat resources were enough for one crop but insufficient for two crops per annum in the semi arid areas of South Ningxia , an experiment on the multiple cropping patterns with high efficiency has been conducted in the irrigated farmland by using intercropping .

  9. 天花板上的一小片熟石膏掉到他眼里,致使他的眼睛感染了。

    A flake of plaster from the ceiling fell into his eye , which became septic .

  10. 他给了我一个熟橄榄。

    He gave me a ripe olive .

  11. Fano效应是物理学领域中一种熟为人知的效应,主要出现在光学和凝聚态物理中,来源于共振过程和非共振过程之间的量子干涉。

    Fano effect is well known in optics and condensed matter communities . It arises from quantum interference between resonant and non-resonant paths .

  12. 一个熟了的果子碰巧掉在他手里。

    A ripe fruit happened to fall into his hand .

  13. 请你帮我找一个熟的西瓜好吗?

    I think that company is ripe for a takeover .

  14. 我从树上摘下一只熟的苹果。

    I picked a ripe apple from the tree .

  15. 吃一个熟桃子会把自己弄脏的。

    Eating a ripe peach can be messy .

  16. 忽然,一个熟苹果从树枝上掉到他身旁。

    Suddenly an apple that had grown ripe on its branch fell to the ground by his side .

  17. 而如果评论员是一张熟面孔,那么无论解说得好坏,他们往往都会受到球迷拥趸。

    Yet when a commentator becomes familiar , they are often loved regardless of whether or not they are any good .

  18. 习惯是人们常用的一个熟词,同时也是日常生活中一种司空见惯的现象和经常要面对的问题。

    Habit is a commonly-used and familiar word for people , which is also a quotidian phenomenon and needs frequent facing .

  19. 在缅甸西海岸的若开邦,鱼板面上要盖一层熟鱼片和一团辣酱。

    On the west coast , in Rakhine State , it 's topped with flaked cooked fish and a dollop of chile paste .

  20. 然后,他又让她去把鸡蛋敲破、把壳剥掉后,她看到了一个熟鸡蛋。

    He then asked her to take an egg and break it , After pulling off the shell , she obsered the hard-boiled egg .

  21. 桌上放着一盒熟鸡蛋,还有橙、绿、蓝、紫、黄、红色的染料,三个捞鸡蛋的勺子。

    There were two dozens of eggs and three egg spoon , dyestuff with six different color : red , orange , yellow , green , blue , purple .

  22. 从“点一分熟的牛排”、“不要着说三道四”、“在房间的角落里哭”到“考个狩猎许可证”,有些建议听起来挺正常,有的看起来则有点……不大靠谱。

    From ordering rare steaks and no gossiping to crying in a corner of the room and getting a hunting license , some of these tips sound like common sense , and some seem to be ... questionable .

  23. 尼姆注意到,在熙来攘往的代表们中间有一张熟脸越来越近。如果从明朝中叶算起鸦片战争,有三百多年的闭关自守,如果从康熙算起,也有近二百年。

    Nim observed a familiar face , moving nearer through the growing increasingly noisy throng of delegates . China remained isolated for more than 300 years from the middle of the Ming Dynasty to the Opium War , or for nearly 200 years counting from the reign of Kang Xi .

  24. 请递给我一个最熟的橘子。

    Hand me of a the ripest tangerine please .

  25. 由于早有准备,他在QQ群里已和几位准大一新生混熟了。

    Thanks to his early preparation , he has got acquainted with several other freshmen-to-be in the QQ group .

  26. 本研究对我国南方一年两熟制地区Bt油菜通过土壤种子库介导的基因流及其影响因素进行了初步探讨,提出了有效控制基因流的栽培技术措施。

    In this studies , the gene flow mediated by soil seed bank and its influencing factors in the region of double cropping system in south China were analyzed , and some effective cultivation measures to control gene flow dispersion were brought forward .

  27. 全省稳定了以一年两熟为主体的熟制体系,种植模式向复合、高效发展,种植指数提高,相当于比1952年扩大播种面积1511万hm2。

    The cropping system in Hebei is mainly characterized by two cropping a year and cropping systems are tending to be integrated and higher efficient . The planting index increase has resulted in the enlargement of crop sowing area by 1 51 million ha compared with that in 1952 ;

  28. 西瓜一年三熟(露地)栽培技术

    Watermelon cultivation techniques for three croppings per year in open fields

  29. 一季多熟种植模式中的光能利用问题的研究

    A Study of Light Energy Utilizing in the Multi-cropping-a-season Growing Pattern

  30. 日光温室苦瓜西红柿一年三熟栽培技术

    Bitter Melon in Greenhouse Tomatoes Three crops A Year Cultivation Techniques