
  • 网络triple crops per year
  1. 对棉地粮经三熟制中春玉米+棉花的共生期、不同移栽密度、间作棉的施氮技术以及应用生长调节剂DPC等措施在杭州和衢州两地分别进行试验。

    The effects of intergrowth span , transplanting density , nitrogen and DPC plant growth regulator on intercropping cotton between spring maize and cotton were investigated in two sites of Hangzhou and Quzhou in Zhejiang Province , respectively .

  2. 西瓜一年三熟(露地)栽培技术

    Watermelon cultivation techniques for three croppings per year in open fields

  3. 日光温室苦瓜西红柿一年三熟栽培技术

    Bitter Melon in Greenhouse Tomatoes Three crops A Year Cultivation Techniques

  4. 露地西瓜一年三熟栽培技术探讨

    Exploration Into Cultivating Techniques for One-Year 's Triple Crop On-Field Watermelon

  5. 两种三熟套作体系中的氮素吸收利用及种间相互作用

    Nitrogen Uptake and Utilization and Interspecies Reciprocity in the Two Relay-planting Systems

  6. 三熟制小麦丰产结构研究

    Studies on the Yield Components for High Yielding Wheat in Annual Three-crop System

  7. 杂交水稻春制晚杂油菜三熟高产栽培配套技术研究

    Studies on the Cultural Techniques for A Triple - cropping System Including Hybrid Rice

  8. 川西平原稻田高效可持续三熟复种模式研究

    Study on Sustained Highly Benefit Multiple Cropping Models in the West Plain of Sichuan Province

  9. 榆树市三熟期玉米品种高产栽培技术研究

    Study on High - yield Cultivation Technique of Three Maturity Length Variety in Yushu City

  10. 热量资源可满足一年一熟,不少地方可达两年三熟。

    Energy resources to meet a familiar one , many cooked up to three years .

  11. 一年三熟超高产有较高的肥料生产率和劳动生产率。

    There were high fertilizer and labor productivity under super-high-yielding three crops one year system .

  12. 早稻、大豆、油菜三熟制栽培施肥效应研究

    Fertilization Experiment in Paddy Fields under the Cropping System of Early Rice , Soybean and Rapeseed

  13. 稻田免耕新三熟制秋马铃薯播期试验探讨

    Stage ⅲ . Research on autumnal potato seedtime of three ripe system in paddyfield under conservation tillage

  14. 江苏省太湖地区昆山县三熟制比例经济适合点问题的探讨

    Discussion on the optimum percentage of triple-cropping farmland in Kunshan county , taihu area , jiangsu Province

  15. 三熟制油稻稻区品种搭配方式的示范研究

    Collocation Pattern of Double - Cropping Rice Cultivars in the Rape - Rice - Rice System Area

  16. 麦-玉-薯旱三熟制施钾效果的研究

    Study on the effect of KCl application on crop yield and quality in the wheat-corn-sweet potato cropping system

  17. 江苏沿江稻田三熟种植方式生态经济效益研究

    Eco economic Benefit Analysis of Tripple Cropping Patterns for Rice Field in Changjiang River Bank Area , Jiangsu

  18. 对三熟制早稻用氮素化肥作穗肥进行了研究。

    Application of nitrogenous fertilizer to early rice at the ear primordia stage under the triple-cropping system was studied .

  19. 江苏中南部地区麦玉米稻新三熟制的生态与经济适应性分析

    The Ecological and Economical Adaptability of Wheat-Corn-Rice Triple Cropping System in the Region of Middle and Southern Jiangsu Province

  20. 烤烟大麦花生一年三熟高效栽培模式及效益分析

    The analysis of efficient planting pattern and benefit of flue-cured tobacco barley and peanut riped three times in one year

  21. 麦玉苕旱三熟培肥土壤及保墒效应的灰色分析

    Grey analysis of the effects on fertilized soil and preservation of moisture by wheat-corn-sweet potato crop rotation in dry land

  22. 稻田25年定位连种麦-稻-稻三熟制的研究

    A Study on the 25 Year 's Successive Triple Cereal Cropping ( Barley Rice Rice ) in a Paddy Field

  23. 冬种马铃薯+双季稻一年三熟三免耕栽培新模式

    A new cultivation model of annual three ripens and three no-tillage : " winter potato + two seasons rice "

  24. 南方温室大棚厚皮甜瓜与彩色甜椒套种一年三熟高效种植模式

    High-efficiency planting pattern of thick-skinned melon interplanted with color pepper for three crops a year in plastic greenhouse in southern China

  25. 长期三熟制下谷物产量和土壤氮磷钾及有机质性状的演化

    Change in Crop Yields Soil Nitrogen , Phosphorus , Potassium , and Organic Matter in a Long-term Triple Cereal Cropping System

  26. 稻田水旱两熟及新三熟小麦轮、连作效应分析&成都平原稻田水旱两熟及新三熟定位试验第一报

    Analysis of effect for rotation and continuous cultivation wheat in paddy - upland double cropping and Neo-Three cropping system in rice field

  27. 在麦稻稻三熟制下进行了连续26年定位试验。

    A long term field experiment of a triple cereal cropping system ( barley double rice ) has been carried on for 26 yrs.

  28. 稻田连年种植大麦双季稻三熟制对作物产量和土壤肥力的影响

    Effect on the grain yield and soil fertility by successive planting of " barley double - cropped rice " in a paddy field

  29. 许多人民公社已转为一年种三熟,粮食产量大幅度增加。

    Many people 's communes have gone over to three crops a year and grain production increases by a by a wide margin .

  30. 用定位试验结果,比较聚土免耕、早三熟、平作等耕作制对紫色土氮磷钾养分循环结构和强度的影响。

    A comparative study on effects of various cultivation system on nutrient cycle of purple soil was conducted according to long term experiments .