
  • 网络Three Northeast Provinces;northeast three provinces;Manchurian
  1. 东北三省投入产出配比价值系数分析

    An Analysis on the Contrast Value Coefficient of the Input and Output in the Northeast Three Provinces

  2. 公司业务遍及长江三角洲、珠江三角洲、东北三省以及欧美、新加坡、马来西亚、日、韩等地区。

    The business of our company covers Yangze River Delta , the Pearl River Delta , northeast three provinces , Europe and Amercia , Singapore , Malaysia , Japan and Korea etc.

  3. 将东北三省初步划分为四个蛋白质、油分生态区:东北部蛋白质含量和油分含量平衡区;

    The balance region of protein and oil content in northeast ;

  4. 论东北三省民本经济的振兴

    On the Development of People-centered Economy in the Northeastern Three Provinces

  5. 温度导致的我国东北三省玉米产量波动模拟

    Simulation of yields fluctuation caused by the temperature in Northeast China

  6. 玉米是我国第二大作物,我国主要的玉米主产区是在东北三省、黄淮海地区及西南地区。

    In China , maize is the second largest grain crop .

  7. 东北三省区域工业结构和竞争力分析

    Analysis on the Regional Industrial Structure and Competitiveness of Northeast China

  8. 东北三省经济合作的战略构想

    Strategic Idea of Economic Cooperation of Three Provinces in Northeast China

  9. 北五味子是东北三省重要的地道药材。

    Schisandra chinensis is the genuine medicinal plant in northeast china .

  10. 我国东北三省的蚊虫种类调查

    Investigation of Mosquito Species from Three Provinces of Northeast China

  11. 东北三省主要农作物耗水量与缺水量研究

    Study on Water Consumption and Deficiency of Main Crops in Northeastern China

  12. 增值税转型对地方财政收入的影响&基于对东北三省的实证研究

    On the Effect of VAT Transformation on Local Government Revenue

  13. 东北三省春季赏花旅游资源分析

    The Ornamental Tourism Resource in Spring in Northeast of China

  14. 东北三省玉米生育热量指标与品种熟型分布研究

    Heat Index of Maize Growth and Development , and Distribution of Variety Types

  15. 东北三省城市职能分类探析

    A Study about Urban Functional Classification of Northeast China

  16. 中国东北三省外商直接投资环境评估比较研究

    Assessment and Comparison Analysis of FDI Investment Environment of the Northeastern Three Provinces

  17. 近代东北三省关内移民动态的分析

    The Dynamic Analysis on the Immigrants in the Three Provinces from the Interior

  18. 东北三省外语院校英语专业复合型人才培养研究

    On the Development of Compound Talents of English Major in Northeast Provinces of China

  19. 在东北三省中,吉林省的综合承载力低于黑龙江省和辽宁省。

    3 , Jilin synthetic carrying capacity was lower than that of Liaoning and Heilongjiang .

  20. 基于偏离&份额分析法的东北三省产业结构竞争力研究

    Analysis of the competitiveness of the industrial structure of Northeast China based on shift-share method

  21. 东北三省冬季气温变化的有关研究进展

    Advances in the Research of Winter Air Temperature Variation of Three Provinces in Northeast China

  22. 近10年来东北三省农用地变化及其影响因素分析

    The changes and macro-control of farm-soil in Northeast of China in the nearest 10 years

  23. 气候变化背景下我国东北三省农业气候资源变化特征

    Characteristics of agricultural climate resources in three provinces of Northeast China under global climate change

  24. 东北三省耕地土壤有机碳储量变化的模拟研究

    Study on the Situation of Soil Organic Carbon Storage in Arable Lands in Northeast China

  25. 东北三省主要矿产资源接替战略研究

    Research on Relay Strategy of the Main Mineral Resources in the Three Northeastern Provinces of China

  26. 东北三省工业废水排放中典型污染物的行业分布特征

    Characteristics of Typical Pollutants in Wastewater from Different Industrial Sectors in the Northeast Provinces of China

  27. 对东北三省区城市水资源环境问题及其控制对策与措施进行了分析和探讨。

    Municipal water resources and environment problems of the Northeast China and the countermeasures are discussed .

  28. 基于谱分析的东北三省经济波动研究

    The Research on Economic Fluctuation in the Three Northeast Provinces of China Based on Spectral Analysis

  29. 东北三省薪炭林区划

    Firewood forest division in northeastern China

  30. 东北三省新的番茄叶霉病菌生理小种分化初报

    Differentiation of New Physiological Races of Tomato Leaf Mold ( Fulvia fulva ) in Northeastern Three Provinces