
  • 网络Hegel;georg wilhelm friedrich hegel;G.W.F. Hegel;G.W.F.Hegel;Georg Hegel
  1. 康德和黑格尔发展了唯心主义。

    Kant and Hegel have developed idealism .

  2. 另外,我们把黑格尔的异同观发展为泛系识别理论,得到许多定理,为模式识别,模拟理论、Fuzzy聚类分析、信息概念的基础提供了一些新的研究。

    In addition , the author has also extended Hegel 's concept of Similarities and Differences to a pan-system theory of recognition and introduced a number of theorems which contribute to the groundwork of pattern recognition , simulation theory , fuzzy aggregate classification , the concept of information , etc.

  3. SOA已经经历了黑格尔说的扬弃,并且现在可以只作为整体的一部分来促进新的创新。

    SOA has gone through its Hegelian sublation , and can just be part of the landscape now that enables new initiatives .

  4. 3H思想在20世纪上半叶几乎同时进入到法国,这使得法国哲学界呈现出一道独特的文化景观:黑格尔是经过依波利特诠释过的黑格尔;

    The 3H thought , appearing in the early 20th century , presented itself to France almost at the same time and gave an unimaginable sight to the French philosophy community .

  5. 在黑格尔(GeorgWilhelmFriedrichHegel)的《精神现象学》中,黑格尔讨论了三种不同的心灵类型:主体性的心灵,一个个体的心灵;

    In Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 's Phenomenology of Mind , Hegel discusses three distinct types of mind : the subjective mind , the mind of an individual ;

  6. 很多所谓杰出的哲学家否认这一理论,如被高估的黑格尔(G.W.F.Hegel)。黑格尔说:“人类具有的一切价值——一切精神的现实性,都是由国家而有的。”

    This doctrine has also been denied by many supposedly eminent philosophers , such as the overrated G.W.F. Hegel , who said : " All the worth which the human being possesses in all spiritual reality , he possesses only through the state . "

  7. 黑格尔与胡塞尔:两种现象学方法之比较

    A Comparative Study of Hegel 's Phenomenology and Husserl 's Phenomenology

  8. 市民社会理论的变迁&从黑格尔到马克思

    The Theoretical Change of Townsman Community & From Hegel to Marx

  9. 早期经济自由主义者将这一矛盾的解决归于市场过程,黑格尔主义则寄望于国家权力。

    The forepart liberalism hoped to resolve the conflict in market ;

  10. 试论黑格尔艺术认识范畴的实践性内涵

    Expounding on Trial the Practice Meaning of Hegel 's Artistic Cognition

  11. 从黑格尔到马克思:世界历史理论的越迁

    From Hegel to Marx : The moving of world history theory

  12. 析黑格尔早期美学思想的合理内核

    Analysis on the Reasonable Core of Hegel 's Early Aesthetic Ideologies

  13. 黑格尔历史哲学中的世界精神

    The " World Spirit " in Hegel 's Philosophy of History

  14. 论黑格尔自由生活与世界历史进程思想

    On Hegel 's Free Life and the Process of World History

  15. 问题与对话:一种非黑格尔式的哲学史观

    Problem and dialogue : non-Hegel 's viewpoint of the philosophic history

  16. 终结与再生&海德格尔与黑格尔的艺术终结论

    Termination and Regeneration & End of Art by Heidegger and Hegel

  17. 比如黑格尔、谢林、费希特和后来的新康德主义。

    For instance Hegel , Schelling , Fichte and later New Kanteism .

  18. 黑格尔辩证法思想与现代思维范式

    The Dialectic Idea of Hegel and the Modern Thinking Pattern

  19. 黑格尔阐述了主客体的双向运动。

    Friedrich Hegel expounds the two-way motion of the subject and object .

  20. 黑格尔辩证法是以绝对精神为主体的辩证法。

    Hegel is the absolute spirit as the main dialectics .

  21. 曾国藩的礼学与黑格尔的精神哲学

    Zeng Guo-fan 's Propriety and Hegel 's Philosophy of Spirit

  22. 论黑格尔逻辑学概念论的立意

    On the Purpose of the Theory of Conception of Hegel 's Logic

  23. 黑格尔认为美学的对象主要是艺术。

    Hegel held that the object of aesthetics was art .

  24. 贺麟的新心学与黑格尔、康德

    Hegel , Kant , and He Lin 's Doctrine of New Mind

  25. 从思辨到革命&马克思对黑格尔辩证法的颠倒

    From Speculation to Revolution : Marx 's Inversion of Hegel 's Dialectic

  26. 黑格尔的世界历史及其价值趋向评析

    A Review of Hegel 's Philosophy of History and its Value Orientation

  27. 市民社会:从黑格尔到马克思的转换

    Society of Townspeople : from W.F. Hegel to Karl Marx

  28. 黑格尔建立了世界历史的理论。

    Hegel set up the theory of the world history .

  29. 试论黑格尔《法哲学原理》中的法治思想

    Thoughts of Rule by Law in Hegel 's Principle of Law Philosophy

  30. 最后着重概述了与马克思自由观有紧密联系的康德和黑格尔的自由观。

    Finally I emphasize the theory of freedom about Kant and hegel .