
  • 网络black Monday
  1. 1986年油价下跌,一年之后,也就是在1987年10月,股市遇到了著名的黑色星期一(BlackMonday),但很快就恢复了。

    A year after the 1986 plunge , in October 1987 , the stock market crashed on what became known as Black Monday , though it soon recovered .

  2. 美国大型公司股价走势的相关度,达到了1987年黑色星期一(BlackMonday)以来的最高水平,股价走势越来越受到投资者对经济环境担忧强弱的左右。

    The correlation between the movement of big US stocks is at the highest level since Black Monday in 1987 , with price moves increasingly driven by the ebb and flow of investors ' fears over the economic environment .

  3. 根据布莱克-肖尔斯(black-scholes)模型,“黑色星期一”这样的事件不可能发生,因为其概率低到不应当在宇宙寿命内发生。

    According to the Black-Scholes model , an event such as black Monday could not happen . It was so unlikely it should not have occurred in the lifetime of the universe .

  4. 历史上的今天-黑色星期一2008年,全球股票市场黑色星期一。

    Black Monday 2008 - Black Monday in worldwide stock markets .

  5. 2008年,全球股票市场黑色星期一。

    2008 – Black Monday in worldwide stock markets .

  6. 噢,黑色星期一要到了!

    Oh ! Black Monday is coming !

  7. 我们买下该公司,而一个月后的黑色星期一,我们一亏涂地。

    We bought the company then a month later , Black Monday , we lost it .

  8. 如果还需要其它例子,人们总会提及1987年股灾的黑色星期一。

    If another example is needed , there is always the Black Monday crash of 1987 .

  9. 感恩节后的星期一,同学们又都恢复了单身生活,一些学校将其戏称为黑色星期一。

    Some schools joke about Black Monday , the Monday following Thanksgiving , when classmates return single .

  10. 时至今日,这件事仍是黑色星期一(1987年10月19日)的一个脚注。

    To this day it remains a footnote in the story of Black Monday , as the September crash became known .

  11. 1987年黑色星期一市场崩盘后,日本的回应是让日元贬值,两年多一点后,该国市场也遭遇崩盘。

    It responded to the Black Monday market crash of 1987 with cheaper money - and suffered a market implosion a little more than two years later .

  12. 黑色星期一的受害者是:华盛顿的麦克·沙纳罕,底特律活塞队的吉姆·施瓦茨,明尼苏达森林狼队的莱斯利·弗雷泽和坦帕湾的格雷格·石阿诺。

    Victims of Black Monday were Washington 's Mike Shanahan , Detroit 's Jim Schwartz , Minnesota 's Leslie Frazier , and Tampa Bay 's Greg Schiano .

  13. 黑色星期一距今已有25年。当时全球股市崩盘,华尔街猛然醒悟到,电脑化交易存在风险。

    It has been 25 years since Black Monday , when stock markets crashed around the globe and Wall Street woke up to the risks of computerised trading .

  14. 但是,去年的那个黑色星期一,当我坐在沙发上,环顾节日过后的满地狼籍时,一种不安慢慢涌上心头。

    But on that dark Monday last year , a creeping unease washed over me as I sat on the sofa and surveyed the gloomy wreckage of the holiday .

  15. 记得在1987年黑色星期一股灾过后的几年里,日本的资产价格从昂贵发展到高得离谱,日经指数令人眩晕地飙升至39000点,令看空者大跌眼镜。

    Remember that it was in the years following the 1987 Black Monday crash that Japanese assets went from being expensive to absurdly overvalued and the Nikkei 's dizzy rise to 39,000 forced the bears to throw in the towel .

  16. 上周,短期美国国债收益率创下自1987年10月“黑色星期一”股市崩盘以来最大的双日跌幅,受到惊吓的商业票据投资者希望把资金投在最安全、最具流动性的短期资产上。

    Yields on short-term treasury bills last week made their biggest two-day fall since the " Black Monday " stock market crash of October 1987 , as spooked commercial paper investors sought to put money in the safest and most liquid short-term assets .

  17. 1929年华尔街股灾、1987年黑色星期一股灾、1990年东京股市崩盘以及2000年美国纳斯达克崩盘,在现实世界中都没有或几乎没有导火索。

    The Wall Street crash of 1929 , the Black Monday crash of 1987 , and the collapses of the Tokyo stock market in 1990 and of the US NASDAQ in 2000 , all started with little or no trigger from the real world .

  18. 在美国,如果说黑色星期五是一张圣诞节假期的零售业绩记分卡,那么在巴西,它却更像是零售商欺骗热切的、愿意接受美国传统节日的购物者的一种手段,因为这个节日对他们而言还相当陌生。

    But in the U.S. , if Black Friday is a score card for Christmas retail sales , in Brazil it is more of a means for retailers to fraud eager shoppers , happy to participate in an American tradition that is still as foreign to them as the moon .

  19. 黑色星期五通常是一年中销量最大的一天,而且也是客流量最大的一天。

    Black Friday used to be the biggest shopping day of the year .

  20. 道琼工业指数于黑色星期一二十周年这一天下跌369.1点,亦即2.7%。

    The Dow Jones Industrial Average drops 369.1 points , or 2.7 % , on the 20th anniversary of Black Monday .

  21. 马克:买买买(就消费而言),双十一规模更大,黑色星期五是美国一年中最盛大的零售日。

    Mark : Well , double-eleven is bigger , in terms of spending . But black Friday is the biggest retail sales day of the year in America .