
  • 网络The Blackadder;The Black Adder;BLACK JAZZ
  1. 前十名里的其他角色还包括黑爵士、《维护面子》里的HyacinthBucket以及蒂博雷的牧师。

    Other characters on the Top 10 include Edmund Blackadder , Hyacinth Bucket from Keeping Up Appearances and the Vicar of Dibley .

  2. 在他的音乐生涯中,布鲁贝克曾是重奏爵士的先锋,他曾在20世纪50年代,在美国南方腹地的黑爵士俱乐部演奏。

    During his career , Brubeck was at the forefront of integration , playing at black jazz clubs through the Deep South in the 1950s .

  3. 斯堪的纳维亚金属,黑金属,爵士金属。

    Scandinavian Metal , Black Metal , Jazz-metal .