
  1. Cruella《黑白魔女库伊拉》库伊拉·德维尔在变成《101斑点狗》里杀狗成狂的女魔头之前是什么样的呢?

    Who was Cruella de Vil before she became the puppy-cidal maniac1 we met in 101 Dalmatians ?

  2. 但愿《黑白魔女库伊拉》不要犯《沉睡魔咒》的错误,将一个足够邪恶的迪士尼女反派洗白成一个被误解的消沉的女主角。

    Let 's hope that Cruella doesn 't make the mistake Maleficent did , and turn a deliciously wicked Disney villainess into a mopey , misunderstood heroine .

  3. 没有太多人提出过这个问题,但是《黑白魔女库伊拉》却有一种诡异的吸引力。

    It 's not a question many of us have asked , but Cruella is a weirdly enticing prospect .