
  • 网络internet bar;Internet cafes
  1. 这些黑网吧最严重的问题之一是允许未成年人上网。

    These Internet cafes and one of the most serious problem is to allow minors access .

  2. 清理期间还发现违规经营的“黑网吧”6家,已进行了查处取缔。

    Also found during the clean up of illegal operation of " Internet cafes " 6 , has been investigated banned .

  3. 发动各网吧业主积极举报“黑网吧”,加大打击力度。

    Internet cafe owners to actively launch the report " Internet cafes " to intensify the crackdown .

  4. 一是出重拳打击黑网吧,着力维护文化市场经营秩序。

    First , the heavy blows against the black bars , focus on maintenance of cultural market order .

  5. 昨日,湖里区枋湖社448号一家大型黑网吧被湖里区工商局给端了。

    Yesterday , the lake district Kengfang Lake , a community of448 illegal Internet cafes were large lake district Business Bureau to the end .

  6. 各级工商部门严厉打击“黑网吧”,对网吧各种违规违法经营现象做到露头就打、决不姑息;

    Industry and commerce departments at all levels crack down on " black bars " on the Internet phenomenon to do illegal business of illegal outcrop hit , will not be tolerated ;

  7. 据了解,这家“黑”网吧是该局今年以来查处的营业场所面积最大的一家“黑”网吧。

    It is understood that this " black " Internet cafes this year since it is the investigation of the business premises of the largest area of a " black " Internet cafes .