
  • 网络Syrmaticus humiae;Hume's Pheasant;Mrs. Hume's Pheasant
  1. 广西黑颈长尾雉对夜宿地的选择

    Roost-site Selection of Mrs Hume 's Pheasant ( Syrmaticus humiae ) in Guangxi , China

  2. 黑颈长尾雉求偶炫耀行为分正面求偶炫耀和侧面求偶炫耀。

    The courtship display of Syrmaticus humiae was divided into two types : the frontal courtship display and the side courtship display .

  3. 再引入黑颈长尾雉(Syrmaticushumiae)繁殖的无线电遥测研究

    Studies on Breeding of Reintroduction Black - Necked Bar - Tailed Pheasant ( Syrmaticus Humiae ) by Radio Tracking

  4. 笼养黑颈长尾雉于三月中下旬开始产卵,五月下旬产卵结束。

    Black-necked Bar-tailed Pheasant lay eggs from late of March to May .

  5. 再引进黑颈长尾雉经过游走扩散后稳定分布在后背山、马滚坡、庵家坪;

    The pheasant distributed stably in Houbeishan , Magunpo and Anjiaping after long time dispersion .

  6. 分析发现,影响黑颈长尾雉食谱的主要因素是植被种类组成和垂直结构特征。

    Overall , the main factors affecting diet composition were plant species composition and vertical stucture of the vegetation .