
  • 网络Syrmaticus ellioti;Sytmaticus ellioti;Syrnaticus ellioti;Syrmaticus elliotii
  1. 结果表明:①白颈长尾雉在春季均存在持续约为16~23d的扩散活动,其扩散直线距离在1.5~2.1km。

    The results showed that both males and females dispersed in spring , and their dispersal distance varied from 1.5 to 2.1 km with a duration of 16 to 23 days .

  2. 白颈长尾雉的活动区面积与集聚度研究

    The home range area and aggregation degree of elliot 's pheasant

  3. 贵州雷公山自然保护区白颈长尾雉栖息地研究

    The habitat of elliot 's pheasant in the Leigong Mountain Nature Reserve

  4. 白颈长尾雉春季扩散活动的影响因子

    Factors Affecting Movement of Spring Dispersal of Elliot 's Pheasants

  5. 浙江西部白颈长尾雉栖息地片断化研究

    The study on fragmentation of habitat used by elliot 's pheasant in Western Zhejiang

  6. 结果表明,白颈长尾雉和白鹇栖息地空间生态位宽度均十分狭窄。

    The results showed that the integrative niche breadth of these two pheasant species was very narrow .

  7. 栖息地的片断化与丧失将导致白颈长尾雉栖息地面积的减少。

    The results showed that the habitat fragmentation and loss would cause the loss of habitats used by Elliot 's pheasant .

  8. 研究白颈长尾雉栖息地丧失与片段化,以及斑块特征与种群分布、相对密度的关系。

    The current status of habitat loss and fragmentation , and the effects of habitat patch attributes on population distribution and relative population density were analyzed .

  9. 笔者于1992年2~8月、1993年1~4月和1994年7月先后3次对雷公山自然保护区白颈长尾雉的分布和栖息地类型,各类型栖息地特征、以及栖息地现状进行了研究。

    The studies on the type , character and status of the habitat of Elliot 's pheasant had been done in the Leigong Mountain Nature Reserve .

  10. 白颈长尾雉以常绿阔叶林、常绿针阔混交林和人工针叶林等3种类型的植被生境为其典型的繁殖地,植物群落乔木层盖度一般均在90%左右。

    The evergreen broad-leaf forest , the evergreen broad-leaf and coniferous mixed forest and coniferous forest , of which the tree layer coverage is about 90 % , are the suitable habitats for the breeding of Elliot 's Pheasants .

  11. 其中与食物有关的因子灌木种数和与水有关的因子距水源距离都是白颈长尾雉冬季扩散活动中较为重要的影响因子。

    The result of analysis by Forward Conditional Logistic Regression suggests that the major factors affecting dispersal of Elliot 's Pheasant in winter are the number of shrub species associated with food and the distance to the source of water .

  12. 白颈长尾雉主要分布在海拔300米~800米的阔叶林和针阔混交林中,常栖息于坡度小于30度的地方,多出现在阳坡。

    The results are as follows : ( 1 ) Elliot 's Pheasant mainly inhabit in the broad-leaved forest or the coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest at an elevation of 300-800 meters , with a slope less than 30 degrees mostly on the sunward hillsides .