
bái línɡ
  • sandfly
  1. 利什曼病经感染的白蛉叮咬传播。

    Leishmaniasis is transmitted by the bite of an infected sandfly .

  2. 利什曼病及其媒介白蛉控制的现状和展望

    Present situation and perspective of leishmaniasis and its vector sandfly control

  3. 地理位置对中华白蛉基因组DNA随机扩增多态性的影响

    The effect of random amplified polymorphic DNA of Phlebotomus chinensis by geographical position

  4. 目的分离中华白蛉的微卫星DNA序列,并筛选其中具有多态性的位点。

    Objective To isolate the microsatellite DNA of Phlebotomus chinensis and screen the polymorphic loci .

  5. RT-PCR方法扩增白蛉热病毒M片段的研究

    RT-PCR Methods for Amplifying M Segment of Phleboviruses

  6. [方法]复查黑热病患者的骨髓片、免疫学检查(LDT、IFAT)、接种动物及真菌培养、媒介(白蛉)和保虫宿主(犬)的调查。

    [ Methods ] Bone marrow smear , immunological test ( LDTand IFAT ), mouse inoculation , fungi culture , vector ( Phlebotomus ) and reservoir host ( dog ) survey .

  7. 陇南川北中华白蛉(Phlebotomuschinensis)体形存在大小两型,其分布界线大型在海拔2000米以上,小型在海拔1600米以下,雄蛉触角列式大体与两型白蛉分布的情况相对应。

    Two incriminated types of Phlebotomus chinensis exist in southern Gansu and northern Sichuan with a definite longitudinal altitude distribution , the large type is above 2000 metres and the small type under 1600 metres sea level .

  8. 防制中华白蛉对控制内脏利什曼病的效果追踪

    The Effect of Sandfly Control on the Transmission of Visceral Leishmaniasis

  9. 溴氰菊酯项圈防制家犬&白蛉接触的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Prevention of Dog - Sandfly Contact by Deltamethrin Collar

  10. 新疆吐鲁番盆地亚历山大白蛉生态的调查研究

    Observation on the bionomics of Phlebotomus alexandri in Turfan basin , Xinjiang

  11. 五种驱避剂对亚历山大白蛉效果的研究

    Studies on the efficacy of five repellents against Phlebotomus alexandri

  12. 不同诱虫灯和引诱剂诱捕白蛉的现场试验

    Field Test of Sandfly-Catching by Light Traps and Attractants

  13. 这一型中华白蛉的比例随海拔的增高而增大。

    In general , the proportion of " Form B " increased with the altitude .

  14. 四川省黑水县中华白蛉季节消长及生态习性观察

    Observation of Phlebotomus chinensis on Seasonal Distribution and Ecological Habits in Heishui County , Sichuan Province

  15. 栖息地调查发现畜圈内墙壁缝隙等处是白蛉的栖息地。

    Resting places included the aperture on the wall of livestock sheds and in the caves .

  16. 利什曼病的病原体是利什曼原虫,它由白蛉等昆虫的叮咬传播。

    Leishmaniasis is caused by the Leishmania parasite and transmitted by biting insects such as sand flies .

  17. 甘肃南部山区及陕北黄土高原地区中华白蛉生态的研究

    The bionomics of Phlebotomus chinensis in the mountainous regions of Southern Kansu and the Loess Plateau of northern Shensi

  18. 经过一个白蛉季节的婴儿皮内试验阳性率为7.31%。

    The positive rate of the said skin test for infants experiencing in a sandfly season was 7.31 % .

  19. 黑热病是由白蛉传给人类的,它会损害包括肝和脾在内的内脏。

    Kala-azar , which is transmitted to people by sand flies , damages internal organs including the liver and spleen .

  20. 结果白蛉咽甲的内侧壁由一些齿形结构和横嵴组成,齿形结构和横嵴的形状、数目以及排列方式在各蛉种间表现不同。

    Results The pharyngeal armature of sandfly consisted of pointed-teeth with various shape , number and arrangement among different species .

  21. 抗杜氏利什曼原虫新疆株单克隆抗体的研究亚历山大白蛉和蒙古白蛉人工感染杜氏利什曼原虫的实验

    Studies on monoclonal antibodies against Leishmania donovani Xinjiang strain experimental infection of P. alexandri and P. mongolensis with Leishmania donovani

  22. 目的:研究新疆境内白蛉的地域分布与地理景观的关系。

    AIM : To explore the geographical distribution of sandfly and its relation to natural landscape in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region .

  23. 加藤告诉本网站说:“据我们所知,此前没有任何其它方法能用最小的工作量检验如此多的白蛉。”加藤说,目前该方法的成本是每份样本1美元,但是他们正在设法降低成本。

    The method costs about US $ 1 per sample , but they are trying to reduce this , said Kato .

  24. 结论按常规的白蛉饲养繁殖方法在实验室内可以完成吴氏白蛉的生活史。

    Conclusion The life cycle of P.major can be completed according to the routine breeding and reproducing approaches in the laboratory .

  25. 1980-1982年,在内蒙古不同景观地带的21个旗(县)内对白蛉种类进行了调查。

    During 1980-1982 , a survey on sandfly fauna had been conducted at different landscape of Nei-Monggol ( Inner Mongolia ) Autonomous Region .

  26. 内脏利什曼病(又称为黑热病)的病原体是利什曼原虫,它是通过白蛉等昆虫叮咬传播给人类的。

    Visceral leishmaniasis also known as kala-azar is caused by the Leishmania parasite and transmitted to humans through biting insects such as sand flies .

  27. 该药用于治疗致命的寄生虫病内脏利什曼病,又称黑热病,它是由白蛉叮咬传播的。

    This is used for the deadly parasitic disease known as visceral leishmaniasis or black fever that is spread by the bite of the sandfly .

  28. 结论:当地皮肤利什曼病的病原体为婴儿利什曼原虫,硕大白蛉吴氏亚种为该病的媒介。

    CONCLUSION : Leishmania infantum is the pathogen of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Karamay , Xinjiang , and P.major wui , the vector of this disease .

  29. 在1992年白蛉季节中经2次浴犬后,1992年度三乡一镇的新病例为11例;

    From September 1992 to August 1993 , the number of new infected cases was 11 in the above mentioned three villages and a town .

  30. 但是由于感染利什曼原虫的白蛉数量相对较少(甚至是在流行地区),为了获得有价值的数据,需要测试大量的标本。

    But because relatively few sand flies are infected with the Leishmania parasite even in endemic areas a large number of specimens have to be tested to get any informative data .