
  • 网络Black Horse;Black Beauty
  1. 再也没有人愿意去吃宜家(Ikea)的肉丸,因为这会让人想起《黑骏马》(BlackBeauty)。

    No one will be able to eat a meatball at IKEA again without thinking about black beauty .

  2. 黑骏马,是你吗?她说。

    Black Beauty , is that you ? she said .

  3. 安娜休厄&《黑骏马》(1877)

    Anna Sewell - Black Beauty ( 1877 )

  4. “有一天她会变得和黑骏马一样出色的,”约翰说。

    She 'll be as good as Black Eeauty one day , 'replied John .

  5. 他知道黑骏马生病是他的错,不过他尽力而为了。

    He knows its his fault Beauty is ill , but he did his best .

  6. 黑骏马成他的了。

    The black horse was his .

  7. 不过,明天我会对这孩子说句好话,如果黑骏马能好一点儿。

    But Ill give the boy a kind word to - morrow , if Beauty is better .

  8. 来,黑骏马,他说,我们会很快把你弄出这个烟幕阵的。

    Come on , Beauty , he said , well soon get you out of this smoke .

  9. 《黑骏马》是一部十九世纪下半叶轰动欧洲文坛的经典儿童小说。

    Black Beauty > is a sensational second half of the 19th century classic children fiction literary circles .

  10. 作者试图在历史文化层面上对张承志的中篇小说《黑骏马》进行重新解读。

    This article tries to re-explain Zhang cheng zhi 's novelette the Black steed from historical and cultural aspect .

  11. 托马斯·哈代的《德伯家的苔丝》和张承志的《黑骏马》有相同之处。

    Thomas Hardy 's Tess of the D'Urbervilles and Zhang Chengzhi 's The Black Courser share something in common .

  12. 《黑骏马》从诗意语言上、浪漫形象上、文本节奏等方面给我们带来了极大的诗美体验。

    " Black Steed " brings us enormous beautiful poetic experience from poetic language , romantic images and text rhythm .

  13. 东西方意识流融合的杰作&评张承志的《黑骏马》

    A Masterpiece of the Mixture of Eastern Western Stream of Consciousness Comments on The Black Steed by Zhang Chengzhi ;

  14. 差点儿!主人说,但是黑骏马比我们聪明,他使我们没被淹死!

    We nearly did , said my master.But Black Beauty was cleverer than we were , and saved us all from drowning !

  15. 河边的一长段路很平坦,约翰说:现在,黑骏马,你尽力吧!

    There was a long piece of flat road by the riverside , and John said , Now Beauty , do your best !

  16. 谢谢你,黑骏马!约翰对我说,轻轻地牵着我顺着河边右首的路走。

    ' Thank you , Beauty ! 'John said to me , and turned me gently round to the right-hand road by the riverside .

  17. 是啊,她说,他真美,他有一张善良、聪明的脸。我们叫他黑骏马怎么样?

    Yes , she said , 'he 's quite a beauty , and he has a kind , in-telligent face.Shall we call him Black Beauty ? '

  18. 《黑骏马》和《白轮船》分别是八十年代中国和七十年代苏联文坛上的经典之作。

    " Black Steed " and " White Steamboat " were classical works in literary arena in 1980s in China and in 1970s in Soviet Union respectively .

  19. 它是《查理三世》、《黑骏马》、《亨利五世》还是《奔腾年代》?你有三秒钟的时间,开始!

    Is it " Richard III , " " Black Beauty , " " Henry V " or " Seabiscuit ? " You got 3 seconds . Go .

  20. 我可怜的黑骏马!一天他说。我的好马,你救了你女主人的命。是啊,你救了她的命。

    ' My poor Beauty , 'he said one day . 'My good horse , you saved your mistress 's life . Yes , you saved her life . '

  21. 我要写信给高顿夫人,说她心爱的黑骏马来到了我们身边。爱伦小姐说。她会多么高兴啊!

    ' I shall write to Mrs Gordon and tell her that her favourite horse has come to us , 'said Miss Ellen . 'How pleased she will be ! '

  22. 本文运用传统方法、格雷马斯“矩形符号”理论对小说《黑骏马》进行解读。

    This fiction is rich in its connotation and this paper makes an analysis in two ways , which contains the usaual theory and " symbolic rectangle " theory of A.

  23. 不对劲!约翰说。他从车上跳下来四处打量。他试着牵着我向前走。来啊,黑骏马,怎么了?

    Theres something wrong , said John , and he jumped from the carriage and began to look round.He tried to lead me for-ward.Come on , Beauty , whats the matter ?

  24. 小说主人公“黑骏马”是一匹漂亮的优种黑马,从小生活在贵族人家,性格温顺、善良,而且聪明,主人非常喜欢他。

    Novel leading character " black beauty " dark horse is a horse pretty good seed , from elite families living in character everyone and kind , and smart , like his great master .

  25. 在车站,布兰太尔先生给了史密斯一些钱,说:照顾好安小姐,鲁宾,别让别人骑黑骏马。

    At the station , Mr Blantyre gave Smith some money and said , 'Take care of Lady Anne , Reuben , and don 't let anyone else except her ride Black Beauty . '

  26. 一定是黑骏马!黑骏马!你还认识我吗?我是小乔·格林,差点儿让你送命的那个!他开始拍我的后背。

    It must be Black Beauty ! Beauty ! Do you know me ? I 'm little Joe Green , who almost killed yon ! And he began patting me all over my back .

  27. 那天下午,我被套上车,让爱伦小姐试试我。乔·格林和她一起去并告诉她他肯定我是高顿先生以前的黑骏马。

    That afternoon , I was harnessed to a carriage for Miss Ellen to try me.Joe Green went with her and told her that he was sure I was Mr Gordon 's old Black Beauty .

  28. 走啊,黑骏马,主人说,他用鞭子碰碰我。我没有走,他狠抽了我一下,但我还是不向前走。

    ' Go on , Beauty , 'said my master , and he touched me with the whip . I did not move , so he hit me sharply , but I would not go forward .

  29. 醒醒,黑骏马!他说着,冲进马厩里。我们必须马上走!我还没来得及想,他就把马鞍备好,笼头也给我戴上了。

    ' Wake up , Beauty ! 'he said , coming into the stable . 'We must go quickly now ! 'And before I could think , he had the saddle on my back and the bridle on my head .