
  1. 爱伦的小说风格奇特恐怖,充满了神秘感。

    The style of vagary and ghastfulness and the sense of mystery are full of thestory of Allan .

  2. 论梅瑞狄斯的喜剧精神与小说风格

    On the " Comic Spirit " and Style of George Meredith

  3. 从关联理论视角看小说风格翻译

    Style Translation in Fiction as Addressed from the Perspective of Relevance Theory

  4. 而小说风格翻译则更有赖于直接翻译。

    The translation of fiction style is mainly relying on direct translation .

  5. 亨利·詹姆斯以其独特的创作理论与小说风格&心理现实主义驰誉世界文坛。

    Henry James is especially famous for his psychological realism .

  6. 现实主义闪耀在乡土话语里的光色&台湾大河小说风格论

    The Brilliance of Realism in Native Literature : Writing Style of Taiwan Roman-fleuve

  7. 从《呼啸山庄》和《简爱》看哥特式小说风格

    Gothic Novel Style in Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre

  8. 坡的小说风格奇特恐怖,充满了神秘感。

    Allan Poes novels are full of mystery .

  9. 小说风格翻译是文学风格翻译的一个很重要的部分。

    Translating fictional style is an important part of the translation of literary style .

  10. 冷峻峭拔是鲁迅小说风格的最显著标志。

    Style of sternness is the most significant sign in Lu Xun 's novels .

  11. 功能文体学与小说风格翻译

    Functional Stylistics and Translation of Style in Fiction

  12. 小说风格形式标记的传译

    Transference of Stylistic Formal Markers in Fiction

  13. 承继与突围&徐訏40年代浪漫小说风格论

    Inheritance and Breakthrough & on the Style of Xu Xu 's romantic fiction of 1940s

  14. 作为美学机制的一个要素的童年情结,对孙犁前后期小说风格的形成和变化起到了一定作用。

    " Childhood complex " has played a role in the change of his literary style .

  15. 罗恩·韦恩为公司设计了商标,他使用维多利亚时代插图小说风格的华丽线描,

    Ron Wayne drew a logo , using the ornate line-drawing style of Victorian illustrated fiction ,

  16. 周文小说风格论

    Novel Style of Zhou Wen

  17. 首先,《战争与和平》由于包罗万象因而呈现出一种百科全书式的小说风格。

    Firstly the encyclopedic style of War and Peace is revealed owing to its all embracing contents .

  18. 这一时期他的小说风格睿智谐谑,创作手法别具一格。

    In his novels of this period , art style is intelligent and humorous , and artistic skill is special .

  19. 另外,象金•图莫的《手杖》那样的黑人小说风格,近于表现主义和超现实主义;

    In addition , the style of some Black novels , like Jean Toomer 's Cane , verges on expressionism or surrealism ;

  20. 本文从关联的角度出发,以关联翻译理论为指导,论证了直接翻译对文学作品中小说风格翻译的重大意义。

    This thesis , from the perspective of relevance theory , proves the interpretive power of direct translation on fiction style translation .

  21. 这一时期他的小说风格温馨舒缓,然而创作手法有失浅显和陈旧。

    In his novels of this period , art style is gentle and soft , but artistic skill fails in plain and old .

  22. 具体到小说风格的翻译,这两方面的内容主要体现在小说的总体基调和人物对话上。

    As for the style translation of a novel , the two aspects should include the translation of the general tone and of dialogues .

  23. 本文的主旨则是说明将功能文体学应用于小说风格翻译研究的必要性和有效性。

    However , this paper aims at explicating the necessity and validity of applying functional stylistics to the study of translation of style in fiction .

  24. 托马斯·沃尔夫的小说风格独特,对后世产生了巨大的影响,在美国文学史上占有重要的地位。

    The novels by Thomas Wolfe which have formed his unique style , have a huge impact on later generations and occupy an important position in the history of American literature .

  25. 自20世纪80年代中期以来,中国文坛出现了一大批与传统历史小说风格迥异的新历史小说。

    Since the middle of the 80 's in the 20th century , a lot of New Historical Novels that are so different from the traditional historical novels appear in the literary arena of China .

  26. 这不仅仅是因为他是美国最伟大的小说家和评论家之一,而且是因为他后期小说风格出现了明显不同于前中期现实主义风格的变化。

    This is not only because of his being one of the greatest American novelists and critics , but also because of his later experimentation on novel writing which shows a clear departure from his previous realistic style .

  27. 中国古代经典小说美学风格的变换及其意蕴

    The Implication of the Transformation of Aesthetic Style in Chinese Classics

  28. 论肖红小说创作风格

    The Personality and Unique Artistic Style in Xiao Hong 's Novels

  29. 作家的两部长篇小说艺术风格为何截然不同?

    Why are the two novels so different in artistic style ?

  30. 余华小说创作风格转型后的精神走向

    Spirit trend of Yu Hua 's novel writing style after transition