
xiǎo xīn
  • take care;be careful;be cautious;cautious;careful;respectful and cautious;look out;watch out;beware;easy;watch;cave
小心 [xiǎo xīn]
  • [take care] 注意,留心

  • 小心路滑

  • (1) [cautious;careful]∶ 谨慎行事

  • 小心从事他的事业

  • (2) [respectful and cautious]∶恭谨

  • 那人见大娘子如此小心,又生得有几分颜色,便问道:你肯跟我做个压寨妇人么?--《醒世恒言》

小心[xiǎo xīn]
  1. 下陡坡时总是要小心驾驶。

    Always take care when driving down steep hills .

  2. 玫瑰有刺,小心扎手。

    The roses are thorny . Take care not to prick your hands .

  3. 无论你多么小心,总会有消息走漏。

    Word always gets out no matter how careful you are .

  4. 有人不小心轻轻碰了一下她的胳膊肘儿,把咖啡弄洒了。

    Someone jogged her elbow , making her spill her coffee .

  5. 他小心地避开了他们将住在何处这个问题。

    He carefully skirted the issue of where they would live .

  6. 说话要小心,他这个人一惹就火儿。

    Be careful what you say ─ he 's easily provoked .

  7. 你小心别在台阶上绊倒了。

    Be careful you don 't trip up on the step .

  8. 这次事故是一时不小心造成的。

    The accident was the result of a moment 's inattention .

  9. 电视采访者必须小心别得罪人。

    A TV interviewer must be careful not to offend .

  10. 被告不小心驾驶,撞到一根路灯柱上了。

    The defendant drove negligently and hit a lamp post .

  11. 小心别弄坏那东西,它可值钱了。

    Be careful with that ─ it cost a lot of money .

  12. 哎哟!小心点,你差点把咖啡洒得到处都是。

    Whoops ! Careful , you almost spilt coffee everywhere .

  13. 我小心地提醒说她可能出了差错。

    I ventured to suggest that she might have made a mistake .

  14. 若在海滩上不小心会被太阳灼伤的。

    You 'll fry on the beach if you 're not careful .

  15. 容器盖应小心扣紧。

    Care should be taken to close the lid securely .

  16. 小心别损及别人的财物。

    Be careful not to damage other people 's property .

  17. 她先小心地环顾了一下四周,然后才离开了房子。

    She looked cautiously around and then walked away from the house .

  18. 小心别让蒸汽把你烫着。

    Be careful not to scald yourself with the steam .

  19. 小心搬动那椅子——有一条腿松了。

    Easy with that chair ─ one of its legs is loose .

  20. 把你的西装小心装好以免弄皱。

    Pack your suit carefully so that you don 't crease it .

  21. 我小心地把花瓶放回基座上。

    I replaced the vase carefully on its pedestal .

  22. 小心,别踩着那水坑。

    Careful you don 't tread in that puddle .

  23. 小心!汽车来了!

    Watch out ! There 's a car coming !

  24. 小心点——这刀刃很锋利。

    Be careful ─ it has a sharp edge .

  25. 千万要小心。

    Do be careful , for goodness ' sake .

  26. 小心你的提包,这里有小偷。

    Watch your bag ─ there are thieves around .

  27. 小心,别把头撞在这矮梁上。

    Be careful you don 't knock your head on this low beam .

  28. 小心点,你把颜料滴得到处都是。

    Be careful , you 're dripping paint everywhere !

  29. 尽管我倒这东西很小心,还是洒了一些。

    Although I poured it carefully , I still managed to spill some .

  30. 小心,他有枪!

    Look out , he 's got a gun !