
  • 网络Nasogastric tube;NG tube;N-G tube
  1. 结论:PEG术安全、有效、可行,很多方面优于鼻胃管。

    Conclusions : PEG was safe , effective , feasible , and had advantages over nasogastric tube in many aspects .

  2. EN组术后24h开始经鼻胃管予以肠内营养液能全力,PN组给予等氮、等热卡的肠外营养,营养支持共7d。

    TFP was started within the first 24 hours postoperatively by continuous pump infusion via a nasogastric tube in EN group and the isocaloric and isonitrogenous parenteral nutrition was given in PN group . The nutritional support were 7 days .

  3. 结论LC手术术前不常规放置鼻胃管是可行的。

    Conclusion It is feasible to seldom insert the nasal - gastric tubes before the LC .

  4. 方法将38例需经鼻胃管喂养的健康早产适于胎龄儿,随机分为非营养性吸吮(NNS)组和对照组。

    Methods Thirty-eight healthy premature infants were randomly divided into NNS and control group .

  5. 结果:VAP的发生率为35.2%,其发生可能与气管插管的方式、插鼻胃管、使用肌松镇静药、制酸药和广谱抗生素等有关。

    Results : The morbidity of VAP was35.2 % . The agent may relate to the mode of tracheal intubation ? gastric tube interpolation ?

  6. 方法对92例AOPP并呼吸衰竭机械通气患者分别采用切开洗胃及鼻胃管洗胃,每种洗胃方式又分空腹组和餐后组。

    Methods 92 cases of respiratory failure due to severe AOPP treated with mechanical ventilation were treated for gastric lavage with nasal gastric tube or gastrotomy .

  7. PEG较鼻胃管饲患者更易于接受,导管不易堵塞,能降低吸入性肺炎及反流性食管炎(15.6%vs46.8%,P0.05)的发生率,提高生活质量。

    PEG was more easily accepted than nasogastric tube feeding . The occurrence rates of aspiration pneumonia and reflux esophagitis ( 15.6 % vs 46.8 % , P 0.05 ) were lower after PEG than those after nasogastric tube feeding .

  8. 结果高龄、意识障碍、哥拉斯格匹斯堡昏迷评分(GCSP)降低、咳嗽反射减弱、吞咽困难、鼻胃管饲、下呼吸道感染和发热等是ALI的重要危险因素;

    Results It was found that advanced age , unconsciousness , Glasgow Pittsburgh coma score ( GCS P ) reduction , cough and swallowing reflex reduction , lower respiratory tract infection and fever were risk factors of acute lung injury .

  9. 结果两组入院时神经功能缺损评分比较无统计学意义,病程第3~4周鼻胃管组神经功能缺损评分明显低于非鼻胃管组,有统计学意义(P0.01);

    Result Two groups ' scores of neural function-deficit when admitting to hospital had no statistical significance , while scores of the nasogastric tube group were significantly lower than the non - nasogastric tube group during the 3rd or 4th week of the course of diseases ( P0.01 ) .

  10. 鼻胃管在结直肠外科手术的应用探讨

    Clinical Application of Nasogastric Tube in Perioperative Period of Colorectal Surgery

  11. 成人留置鼻胃管长度测量方法的探讨

    Approach on the Method of Length Measurement of Adult Indwelling Nasal-stomach Tube

  12. 新生儿鼻胃管插入长度探讨

    Probe into the intubating length of nasogastric tube in newborns

  13. 全喉切除术后不置鼻胃管的优点

    The Advantage without Insertion of Nasogastric Tube After Total Laryngectomy

  14. 非营养性吸吮对早产儿鼻胃管留置时间的影响儿童鼓膜通气管留置时间与并发症关系

    Effect of Non-nutritive Sucking on Nasogastric Tube Indwelling Time in Premature Infant

  15. 导管技术在鼻胃管置入中的临床应用

    Clinical application of catheterization technique in nasogastric tube intubation

  16. 腹腔镜胆囊切除术前不放置鼻胃管效果观察

    Effectiveness observation for patients who have not nasal-gastric tubes before cholecystectomy through celioscope

  17. 放置鼻胃管;胸管引流时间2~5d。

    Laying nasal stomach tube ; The chest drainage lasted 2 ~ 5 d.

  18. 鼻胃管预防老年人吸入性肺炎

    Prevention of inhalation-pneumonia of the elderly by nose-stomach tube

  19. 目的:探讨咽部表面麻醉行鼻胃管置入的效果。

    Objective To observe the effect of pharyngeal surface anesthesia on nasogastric tube intubation .

  20. 放置鼻胃管;灌胃给药5wk。

    Laying nasal stomach tube ; The drugs were administrated by ig for 5 weeks .

  21. 急性球麻痹患者早期经鼻胃管进食预防肺炎的效果分析

    Effect of taking food by early detaining nasogastric tube on preventing pneumonia in acute bulbar paralysis

  22. 鼻胃管放置。

    Placement of NG tube .

  23. 胃肠减压鼻胃管最佳置入长度及体外测量方法的研究

    Study on the Best Inserting Length of Nasogastric Tube and Measuring Method Through Body Surface for Gastrointestinal Decompression

  24. 选择鼻胃管给予胃肠营养,部分患者静脉营养,强化营养支持。

    Gastroenteric nutrition was supplied through nasogastric tube , and part patients were given parenteral nutrition to strengthen nutrition support .

  25. 置鼻胃管治疗食管癌贲门癌术后吻合口瘘12例分析

    Analysis of nasogastric intubation treatment of anastomotic leakage after operation for carcinoma of esophagus and gastric cardia in 12 patients

  26. 对于病情稳定的无症状患者,口服或通过鼻胃管补充液体是安全有效的。

    For stable , asymptomatic patients , replacement of fluid by mouth or through a nasogastric tube is effective and safe .

  27. 目的探讨鼻胃管是否增加机械通气病人胃内容物的返流和误吸。

    Objective To determine if nasogastric tube increases gastroesophageal regurgitation and pulmonary miss inhalation of gastric contents for mechanically ventilated patients .

  28. 方法对85例小儿采用两种不同方法测量留置鼻胃管的长度。

    Method 85 children patients were selected and adopted two kinds of ways for measuring the effective remain length of nose and gastric tuber .

  29. 有6例术中将鼻胃管插入至空肠作为经吻合口的十二指肠支架管,并加作腹壁筋层减张缝合。

    Simultaneously , an operative technique of trans-anastomotic duodenal tube and tension suture of fascial space of abdominal wall was applied in 6 cases when necessary .

  30. 结论小儿小容量洗胃时宜采用“眉心&脐部”体表标志测量法留置鼻胃管。

    Conclusion It 's suggest to adapt " eyebrow center to omphalos " body symbol method for measuring remain length of nose and gastric tube for children patients .