
  • 网络nasal cycle
  1. 鼻周期和鼻粘膜纤毛清除率的相关性研究

    The correlative study between nasal cycle and mucociliary clearance

  2. 鼻周期和鼻腔温度的相关性研究

    The related study between the nasal cycle and the temperature of nasal cavity A BRIEF DISCUSSION OF CYCLE Electronic Nose

  3. 结果:所有受试者均有明显的鼻周期。

    Result : Nasal cycles were observed in all subjects .

  4. 应用声反射鼻测量计对人鼻周期的观察

    Studies on human nasal cycle with acoustic rhinometry

  5. 应用主动性前鼻测压法每隔半小时一次,连续8小时测定鼻气道阻力,有明显鼻周期的10例成人共20侧鼻腔测定鼻周期两种时相下的鼻腔温度;

    Using active anterior rhinomanometry , the temperature of nasal cavity was measured bilaterally on subjects at 30-minute intervals over 8 hours .

  6. 方法:应用声反射鼻测量计测量了16例正常成人,11例正常儿童,14例双侧鼻阻塞患者的鼻周期。

    Method : We examined the nasal cycle of 16 healthy adults , 11 healthy children and 14 patients with bilateral nasal obstruction .