
  • 网络Ziggy;sieg;Ziege
  1. 瑞西补充道,齐格网(Chegg)和BookRenter.com等现有教科书租赁公司正在开展多元化经营,它们未必会受到亚马逊的威胁。

    Existing textbook rental companies such as Chegg and BookRenter.com are diversifying , Ms Ricci added , saying they need not be threatened by Amazon .

  2. 2009年,麦格劳希尔集团(McGraw-Hill)与齐格网建立合作关系。周二,霍顿-米夫林哈考特集团(HoughtonMifflinHarcourt)也宣布与教育软件公司Kno合作,以每本9.99美元甚至更低的价格提供为期一年的学校教科书数字租赁服务。

    McGraw-Hill and Chegg announced a partnership in 2009 , and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt announced a deal on Tuesday with Kno , an education software company , offering year-long digital rentals of school texts for $ 9.99 or less per book .

  3. 她扮成齐格弗里德和罗伊的结合体

    When she came as Siegfried and part of Roy .

  4. 父亲带我去看齐格?齐格内尔。

    My father took me to see zig ziegler .

  5. 齐格,作为印第安人,同样感到困惑。

    And so Zig , being Indian , likewise it baffles his mind .

  6. 不幸的是,齐格的新娘没有其他肖像来证明自己就是画中女郎。

    Unfortunately , no other portraits of Chigi 's bride exist to confirm the ID.

  7. 黑海山脉东部的齐格纳通道。

    Zigana Pass , Eastern Black Sea Mountains .

  8. 齐格弗里德和罗伊毕业以后,你们才付头期款呢。

    Siegfried and Roy wiII be out of schooi before you make your first payment .

  9. 齐格,作为印第安人,

    And so Zig , being Indian ,

  10. 即使是齐格弗里德和罗伊飞黄腾达时,兰斯也是维加斯最好的魔术师。

    Even when Siegfried and Roy were around , Lance was the best magician in Vegas .

  11. 斯提纳地说,袖带上拉斐尔的名字是向齐格表示敬意。

    Raphael 's name on the armband , Strinati says , is a tribute to Chigi .

  12. 这张照片里的人就是齐格,他自己的摄影作品。

    So this is Zig in this photograph . This is also one of Zig 's photographs .

  13. 在这个例子中,齐格努给我们分享了一些他们从推特上收集到的数据,

    And in this example we have from Zignal which they 've shared with us using the data that they have from Twitter ,

  14. 这让她看起来不太优美,让受骗的齐格弗里德看起来比平常更傻。

    The result makes her look unclassical and makes Siegfried , by falling for her , look even more of a ninny than usual .

  15. 本齐格表示:公司董事将决定是否开放这些数据。

    The directors of a company [ will ] decide whether to make the data available , Mr B & # 228 ; nziger says .

  16. 纳粹德国的西部防线(盟军称之为“齐格弗里德防线”)在1944年和1945年西北欧洲的残酷战斗中起了至关重要的作用。

    The West Wall ( or the Siegfried Line as the Allies called it ) played a crucial role in the bitter fighting of1944 and1945 in North-West Europe .

  17. 公共科学图书馆•综合的科学杂志报道,德国不伦瑞克市赫尔姆霍茨传染病研究中心的莎拉•巴特尔斯和齐格弗里德•魏斯展示了沙门菌是怎样转移到肿瘤组织内的。

    In the scientific journal PLoS One , Sara Bartels and Siegfried Weiss of the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research ( HZI ) in Braunschweig , Germany now show how the bacteria migrate into tumors .

  18. 所有人都知道和她共舞的演员们为能和她一起赢得掌声而感到骄傲(她的搭档、饰演齐格弗里德王子[PrinceSiegfried]的詹姆斯·怀特赛德[JamesWhiteside]对她表现出的热情和喜爱尤为真挚)。

    And let everyone know that her fellow dancers shared her applause with pride . ( The enthusiasm and affection shown by James Whiteside , who partnered her as Prince Siegfried , was especially engaging . )

  19. 在量化分析的基础上,我们提出《诗经》以四字齐言为正格,而以杂言为变格。

    Based on a quantitative analysis , we put forward that The Book of Songs regards four-character verse style as the regular form , and is combined with the winding verse style .