
qí pínɡ
  • even
齐平 [qí píng]
  • [even] 在同一平面上的或在同一线上的

  • 这河水与岸齐平

  1. 塔楼的这一层与教堂的顶部齐平,用作储藏室,散乱地堆放着许多古老信仰的圣像。

    This floor was on an even height with the roof of the church , and it was used as a storeroom .

  2. 工作台的高度应该和肘部齐平。

    Your work station should be at elbow height .

  3. 定位钢筋的顶部应该与支撑梁的顶部齐平。

    Tops of spacer bars shall be flush with the tops of the bearing bars .

  4. 通过比较风洞插入试验和模拟火灾试验的结果,总结出了标准和快速响应嵌入、齐平、隐蔽式喷头进行风洞插入试验的要求和试验方法。

    Based upon a comparison of the results of the plunge tests and the fire tests , plunge test requirements and methods were developed for standard and quick response , recessed , flush and concealed sprinklers .

  5. 尽管他的主卧和客卧都与街道齐平,但它们都被栽在内凹窗内的充满活力的林地景观所遮挡。

    Although Mr. McMillan 's master and guest bedrooms are at street level , they are shielded from view by the living woodland tableaux planted in the recessed windows : a rock garden overgrown with ferns ;

  6. 的确,如今的泳衣款式更多,很多连体式泳衣比很多比基尼还暴露。最近,有些喜欢复古款式的千禧一代所穿的比基尼短裤与肚脐齐平(比较出名的是凯蒂·佩里[KatyPerry],她还喜欢把比基尼跟连体式泳衣混搭起来)。

    Indeed , with a wider range of styles than in the past , many of today 's one-pieces are more revealing than many bikinis , whose bottoms have crept up to navel level recently among vintage-worshipping millennials ( notably Katy Perry , who is also mixing it up with a maillot ) .