
  1. 论文介绍主要国际公约关于职务作品著作权制度的相关规定,如《伯尔尼公约》、《世界版权公约》及TRIPS协议关于职务作品著作权的规定。

    This paper introduces mainly the international convention on duty works copyright system of the relevant provisions , such as the Berne convention ", " world copyright convention and the TRIPS agreement the provisions on duty works copyright .

  2. 世界版权公约政府间委员会

    Intergovernmental Committee of the Universal Copyright Convention

  3. 自加入伯尔尼公约和世界版权公约以来,中国的版权贸易发展驶入了历史的快车道。

    Since the Berne Pledge and the World Copyright Convention , copyright trade in China has developed on a speedway .

  4. 我国自1992年正式加入世界版权公约和伯尔尼公约以来,图书版权贸易比较活跃,图书版权贸易总数成倍增长。

    Since China entered in Universal Copyright Convention and signed the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works in 1992 , trade in books copyright became more active and the total amount multiplied .

  5. 《伯尔尼公约》是最重要、影响最大的世界性版权保护公约。

    Berne Convention is the most important and most effective world copyright protection convention .