
  • 网络reader
  1. 一个眼尖的读者发现了昨天报纸上的错误。

    A sharp-eyed reader spotted the mistake in yesterday 's paper .

  2. 他能直觉地感到读者需要什么。

    He had an intuitive sense of what the reader wanted .

  3. 她浏览杂志寻找读者来信页。

    She flipped through the magazine looking for the letters page .

  4. 下面选登了部分读者评论。

    A selection of reader 's comments are published below .

  5. 她的著作给数百万读者带来了欢乐。

    Her work has given pleasure to millions of readers .

  6. 有意索取资料的读者可免付邮资。

    Information will be sent post-free to any interested readers .

  7. 我们收到了读者关于这个问题的大量来函。

    We had a huge postbag on the subject from our readers .

  8. 编辑欢迎读者有关任何问题的来信。

    The editor welcomes correspondence from readers on any subject .

  9. 读者需要自己去得出结论。

    The reader is left to draw his or her own conclusions .

  10. 下面选登了部分读者的意见。

    A selection of readers ' comments are published below .

  11. 这几本书亟须列入最受读者喜爱的书目之中。

    These books scream out to be included in a list of favourites .

  12. 故事是以倒叙手法向读者讲述的。

    The reader is told the story in flashback .

  13. 我是贵报多年来的忠实读者。

    I have been a faithful reader of your newspaper for many years .

  14. 作者显然想使读者能与主人公产生共鸣。

    The writer clearly intends his readers to identify with the main character .

  15. 文章发表后,这家报纸受到了愤怒读者的电邮轰炸。

    The newspaper was mail-bombed by angry readers after the article was published .

  16. 这本书严重倾向于美国读者。

    The book is heavily skewed towards American readers .

  17. 祝广大读者圣诞快乐!

    A merry Xmas to all our readers !

  18. 你是《泰晤士报》的读者吗?

    Are you a ' Times ' reader ?

  19. 这份杂志希望以新的版式吸引更多的读者。

    In its new format , the magazine hopes to attract a much wider readership .

  20. 你需要向读者介绍你将阐述的各个论点。

    You need to signpost for the reader the various points you are going to make .

  21. 她写的书有众多的读者。

    Her books are widely read .

  22. 这些图片大肆渲染,会让一些比较年轻的读者们惶恐不安。

    The pictures were sensationalist and could seriously disturb younger readers .

  23. 他们的书得到了全世界年轻读者的喜爱。

    Their books are loved by young readers the world over .

  24. 两位读者都称赞克努森对细节一丝不苟。

    Both readers commend Knutson for his scrupulous attention to detail .

  25. 她对如何牵动读者的心弦了如指掌。

    She knows exactly how to tug at readers ' heartstrings .

  26. 他以冷嘲热讽自以为是的有钱人来愉悦读者。

    He entertained his readers by lampooning the pretensions of the rich

  27. 读者应该把那些未得到回复的信件复印一份寄给代表他们的议员。

    Readers should send a copy of unanswered letters to their MP

  28. 我留给读者去发现这些。

    I leave it to the reader to ferret these out .

  29. 该发现引来了读者接二连三的来信。

    The discovery triggered a stream of readers ' letters .

  30. 在塞伊有生之年,他的作品拥有大量的读者。

    Say 's writings reached a wide audience during his lifetime