
  1. 外商投资的地域分布极不平衡,一线两带地区吸引了外商在陕西的绝大部分投资;

    The " one-line two-belts " area attracts majority of foreign investment ;

  2. 陕西一线两带区域创新体系的构建与发展

    Construct the area innovation system of Shaanxi " yixianliangdai "

  3. 一线两带区域特色农业发展激励机制研究

    " Area of One-line and Two-parts " Regional Special Agriculture Development Incentive Mechanism Study

  4. 关中一线两带中等城市商业中心区功能结构比较研究

    Study on the Function and Structure of CRD of Medium-sized Cities in Guanzhong Region

  5. 陕西省一线两带区域特色农业发展模式研究

    Shaanxi Province " One Line Two Belts " Regions Characteristic Agriculture Development Pattern Research

  6. 关中一线两带产业集群发展问题研究

    Study on Certain Problem of the Industrial Cluster in Guanzhong " One Line and Two Belt "

  7. 一线两带建设中秦岭北麓生态环境保护与可持续发展研究

    Research of the Ecological Environment Protection and the Sustainable Development on the North Slope of Qinling Mountains in " One Line and Two Belts " Construction

  8. 对一线两带经济发展的金融支持既要与区域经济发展水平相适应,又要体现金融助推区域经济的特点,遵循金融资本价值运动的一般规律。

    The financial support should be suit for regional development level , reflects the characterization of financial boost regional economic and follows the general rule of value movement .

  9. 在宏观金融制度建设的战略和政策安排上,既要兼顾近期和长远,又要充分考虑一线两带区域内不同层次对不同金融政策的需求。

    Therefore , in the planning of the financial strategy and policy , we should take mush consideration of the requirement of the differential level to differential financial support in short-term and long-term .

  10. 运用金融资源的合理组合带动一线两带区域各种优势资源的有机结合,全面提升一线两带区域的金融化程度,促进一线两带区域金融和经济的共同发展。

    Then types of dominant resources can be drive through effective compositions of financial resources . The financial degree and regional finance can be promoted thoroughly in " one line two belts " .

  11. 而一线两带建设在人口、产业、城市化以及资源利用、环境影响等方面所引起的变化,必将对该区域生态环境以及人居环境产生深刻的影响。

    But the changes of population , industry , urbanization , the utilization of resources and environmental impact etc in one string and two belts will influence the regional ecological and living environment greatly .

  12. 其次,根据2002年《陕西省投入产出表》及2002年带内各市区相关统计年鉴资料编制出了《2002年一线两带产业集群的投入产出表》并建立了数学模型。

    Secondly , according to the input-output table of Shaanxi province in 2002 , and other relation statistical data , Shaanxi provincial economic leap 's input-output table in 2002 is built on , and its mathematical model is constructed .

  13. 结合陕西一线两带经济发展战略,指出区域创新体系在经济发展中的重要作用,并探讨构建陕西一线两带的区域创新体系思路与策略。

    Combining with the economical development stratagem of Shaanxi " yixianliangdai ", this paper points the most important function of area innovation system in development , and discusses the thought and strategy of constructing the area innovation system of shaanxi " yixianliangdai " .

  14. 第七章,从加快工业化进程、构建合理的关中城镇体系、深化城乡体制改革、加快农业和农村发展以及培育农村特色产业方面提出陕西一线两带区城乡协调发展的对策。

    In detail , it includes speeding up the industrialization advancement , constructing reasonable cities system , deepening the reform of urban and rural system , speeding up the agriculture and the rural development as well as cultivating the rural characteristic industry aspects .

  15. 同时关中一线两带区域的角度思考、认识与探索推进关中一线两带产业集群的具体措施,为加快关中一线两带产业集群发展提供可行的参考依据。

    Form the viewpoint of Guanzhong " one line and two belt " region , to think and explore the specific measures of industrial cluster , it is offered feasible foundation to quicken industrial cluster development in Guanzhong " one line and two belt " .