
  • 网络Butyl reclaimed rubber;reclaimed IIR
  1. 丁基再生胶在内胎中的应用研究

    The Application Research of Butyl Reclaimed Rubber in Tube Manufacture

  2. 最后通过对再生胶阻尼性能的研究,发现丁基再生胶相比于丁基生胶拥有更加优异的阻尼特性。

    Finally after the study on the damping property of the butyl rubber , it was founded that the butyl reclaimed rubber has better damping property compared with the butyl rubber .

  3. 采用PVC和丁基再生胶混合经高温融炼、室温混炼的二阶共混改性工艺生产出高性能、低价格的屋面防水胶板。

    By means of the two-stage modified technology , the butyl-reclaimed rubber and PVC were mixed and melted together at high temperature and refined at ambient temperature , which was used as a water-proof slab with high quality and low cost , can be produced .

  4. 同时,文中还论述了溴化丁基再生胶的实用价值。

    Meanwhile it describes the utility value of regenerated BIIR .

  5. 对丁基再生胶胶乳的制备及其相关影响因素进行了研究。

    The preparation and the related factors for latex of reclaimed IIR were studied .

  6. 环氧化天然橡胶/丁基再生胶并用胶的性能

    Property of Epoxidized NR / Butyl Reclaim Blend

  7. 非硫化型丁基再生胶防水卷材的研制

    Development of Non-curing Type IIR Reclaim Roof Membrane

  8. 丁基再生胶的应用性研究

    Study on Application of Butyl Reclaim

  9. 辐射法制备丁基再生胶是再生胶厂的一种新型方法。

    It is a good method for reclaimed plants to provide the reclaimed butyl rubber by rediation .