
  • Issey Miyake;Pleats Please;KENZO
  1. 三宅一生PleatsPlease商店,纽约,美国

    Issey Miyake pleats please store , New York , usa , 1998

  2. 桌子上则放着三宅一生(IsseyMiyake)的A-POC时装,这是尝试从一卷面料中切割、而后在20个连体模特身上展示的时装。

    On the table is an Issey Miyake A-POC , an experiment in cutting clothes from a roll of fabric that was planned to be shown on 20 conjoined mannequins .

  3. 去世前,斯蒂夫•乔布斯向自己的传记作者沃尔特•艾萨克森透露,自己为何老是穿着那件三宅一生(IsseyMiyake,日本著名时装品牌&译注)出品的黑色高领衫。

    Before he passed away , Steve Jobs told his biographer Walter Isaacson why he wore those black Issey Miyake turtlenecks .

  4. 我可是用了“三宅一生”的淡香水呢!

    I use the eau de toilette from Issey Miyake !

  5. 对有的人来说,这可能是一个可怕的概念,可惜正如三宅一生所指出那样没有一种设计或想法不从过去吸收灵感。

    It might be a scary concept to some , except , as Miyake notes : There are no designs or ideas that are not taken from the past .