
  1. 亨利星期三能施展魔力击败意大利队吗?

    Will Henry be able to weave his magic against Italy on Wednesday ?

  2. 三能级体系的Z回波核磁共振粉末谱

    Z echo NMR powder spectrum of three-level systems

  3. 三能级原子与双模腔场Raman相互作用制备原子纠缠态

    Generation of entangled states for three level atoms using Raman interaction with a two-mode cavity

  4. 三能级原子Dressed态下的压缩

    Squeezing of Three-level Atom of Dressed State

  5. 在这两个方案中,三能级SQUID通过拉曼转换与量子化腔场和微波脉冲相作用。

    In our schemes , the SQUIDs with three levels act with a quantized cavity field and classical microwave pluses via Raman transition .

  6. 本文把Lamb激光量子理论加以推广,用于处理光泵(包括相干和非相干泵浦)三能级激光体系。

    In this paper , lamb 's quantum theory of laser is extended to treat three - level laser system of optical pumps ( including coherent and incoherent pumps ) .

  7. 微扰方法,并利用缀饰带近似、重整化有效质量近似、以及Floquet矩阵方法研究了激光缀饰下半导体三能带模型。

    P perturbation method , the dressed bands of semiconductors have been investigated using the renormalized effective mass approximation , dressed - band approximation and exact Floquet matrix method .

  8. 与实验相比发现。三能级模型理论作为OPFIRL工程设计是不够准确的。

    Comparing with the experimental results , we found that the theory with 3-level model is not accurate enough for engineering design of OPFIRL .

  9. 运用高阶关联函数理论研究了级联三能系统Markovian场的五阶非线性效应(FPBCTMS)。

    The higher-order coherence function theory has been applied to study the fifth-order nonlinear effect on polarization beats of a cascade three-level system ( FPBCTMS ) in Markovian field .

  10. 三能级原子双模激光的非谐振运转

    Nonresonant operation of a two-mode laser in three level atomic system

  11. 光脉冲在∧-三能级介质中传输的解析分析

    Propagation of laser pulse in a three-level Λ - type medium

  12. 三能级∑型原子系统中的光放大

    Light Amplification in A Three - level Σ - type Atomic System

  13. 第三能实时监控同位素放射源的植入。

    Third , it can place the radioactive sources with real-time monitoring .

  14. 三能级电磁感应透明中辐射场的量子统计特性

    Quantum Statistical Property of Radiation Field in Three-Level Electromagnetically Induced Transparency System

  15. 三能级激光器的突变行为

    On catastrophe behavior of the three - level laser

  16. 我星期三能来和您见个面吗?

    Could I come and see you on Wednesday ?

  17. 三能级原子与两模辐射场相互作用

    Interaction Between a Three-level Atom and Two Radiation Fields

  18. 三能级原子同单模腔场作用下的光子统计分布

    Photon statistics for the interaction of a three-level atom with single-mode cavity field

  19. 三能级固体激光介质对抽运光吸收的理论研究

    Theoretical study of the pump light absorption inside a three-level solid state laser medium

  20. 三能级原子和两个压缩态光场多光子相互作用中的量子效应

    Quantum Effects in Multiphoton Interaction Processes of a Three-Level Atom with Two Squeezed Modes

  21. 三能级原子共振荧光的相位依赖性

    The Phase-dependent Resonance Fluorescence of a Three-level Atom

  22. 三能级体系中能量弛豫时间与荧光辐射寿命的关系

    The relationship between the energy relaxation time and fluorescence lifetime in three level system

  23. 三能级∧-系统探测光的频率调制效应研究

    The frequency modulation effects of the probe field in three level Λ - system

  24. 三能级原子系统中的单模激光运转

    Single-mode laser operation in a three-level atomic system

  25. 三能级多普勒展宽系统中的非简并四波混频

    Nondegenerate four-wave mixing in a Doppler-broadened three-level system

  26. 三能级原子系统对光脉冲的响应及双光子三能级光子回波

    The response of a tri-level atomic system to laser pulses and two-photon tri-level echo

  27. 广东海洋大学三能人才培养的实践

    On Practices of Guangdong Ocean University in Cultivation of Talents of " Three Capabilities "

  28. 三能级原子在双模激光场作用下的偶极压缩效应

    Dipole squeezing of a three lovel atom under the interaction of a two mode field

  29. 三能级∧-型原子系统探测、泵浦光场频率调制效应研究

    Frequency modulation of probing and coupling light-fields in three energy-level Λ - type atomic system

  30. 三能级系统同位素相干选择激发

    Isotope coherent selective excitation in three-level systems