
  1. 也许他通过这种方式,去刺激他母亲要人性向善。

    Maybe he liked needling his mother even better .

  2. 乌托邦反映的是人类对自身和外部世界日臻完善的信念,是人性向善的体现。

    Utopia reflects a conviction that the world is sure of perfection on the ground that man is born good .

  3. 人本化教育理念尊重个体的生命价值,提倡人性向善,关注个体内在潜能的发掘。

    The humanistic education concept shows respect for individual life value , advocates the goodness of humanity and stresses the development of individual potential .

  4. 其中种族隔离制度的废除,可以看作是人性向善的方面的转变,对周遭事物的态度的改变,其中最重要的是重新认识自己和别人的关系。

    The apartheid was abolished , which can be regarded as a overall political trend of human nature for kindness . The change of attitude to the surroundings is mostly decided by the recognition of the relationship between oneself and others .

  5. 人类的人性逐渐向善的慷慨回归,呼唤着社会的责任、和谐与合作。

    However , nowadays human nature has gradually returned towards generosity , calling for social responsibility , harmony and cooperation .

  6. 然而,在荒岛文学中,荒岛意象的二重性则体现了人性的二重性:人性具有向善的秉赋与向恶的倾向。

    However , in desert island tradition , the duality of the desert island image reflects the duality of human nature : human tends to be both good and evil .