
  • 网络animal euthanasia;Humane destruction;seized and destroyed
  1. 那条狗被人道毁灭了。

    The dog was humanely destroyed .

  2. 林赛没有受伤,但那匹马却不得不被人道毁灭。

    Lindsay was unhurt but the horse had to be destroyed .

  3. 患犬最后将被人道毁灭。

    Affected animals are eventually euthanased on humane grounds .

  4. 人道毁灭是对没有爱或者没有人收养的狗或者猫的最仁慈的礼物。

    Euthanasia is the kindest gift to a dog or cat unwanted and unloved .

  5. 但如果它是一个广义案件从未得到更好的话,狗是有麻烦,可能需要被人道毁灭。

    But if it is a generalised case which never gets better then the dog is in trouble and may need to be euthanised .

  6. 伦敦海德公园进行阅兵,发生了悲剧,一匹战马在震惊的公众面前被人道毁灭。

    Members of the public looked on in horror today as an army horse died on parade during a freak accident in London 's Hyde Park .

  7. 穆坦巴拉说,津巴布韦目前正在处在十字路口,国家领导层必须面对挑战,找到结束人道主义危机的方案。他认为,津巴布韦的人道主义危机正在毁灭这个国家。

    Arthur Mutambara says Zimbabwe is at a crossroads and that the country 's leadership must be up to the challenge to find a settlement to begin to end the humanitarian crisis which he said was engulfing the country .