
  • 网络artificial intelligence model
  1. 如今谷歌健康中心的研究人员已训练出一个人工智能模型,它可以通过乳房扫描来检测英国和美国数千名女性是否罹患癌症。

    Now researchers at Google Health have trained an artificial intelligence model to detect cancer in breast scans from thousands of women in Britain and the United States .

  2. 为提高风速预测的精度,本文提出了一种新的基于聚合经验模态分解和人工智能模型相结合的混合模型。

    In order to improve the accuracy of wind speed forecasting , this paper presents a new hybrid model which combines ensemble empirical mode decomposition and artificial intelligence model named SVM .

  3. 该研究团队发现,他们的人工智能模型可以通过扫描检查来预测乳腺癌,而且其准确度与放射科专家相当。

    The team found that their AI model could predict breast cancer from the scans with a similar accuracy level to expert radiographers .

  4. 此外,该人工智能模型还显示,癌症被错误识别的比例有所下降,其中美国降低了5.7%,英国降低了1.2%。

    Further , the AI showed a reduction in the proportion of cases where cancer was incorrectly identified - 5.7 percent in the US and 1.2 percent in Britain , respectively .

  5. 应用于高炉控制的人工智能模型主要有:高炉专家系统、神经网络模型及神经网络专家系统。

    The main artificial intelligence models used for BF process control are as follows : expert system of blast furnace . neural network made !

  6. 研究结果表明:与传统的预警模型相比,组合预测模型集合了统计模型和人工智能模型的优点,在上市公司财务危机发生前两年有83.34%的判别准确率,具有较强的优越性和应用价值。

    The result of study indicates that the combination forecast model integrates the advantage of statistical model and artificial intelligence model , having 83.34 percent accuracy rate of discrimination in two years before listed company taking place the financial crisis , and takes on stronger superiority and application value .

  7. 基于Petri的FMS负载平衡调度,以Petri网为建模工具,利用人工智能搜索模型可达图,获得调度结果。采用TPPN构造各生产单元的PN子网,通过共享资源库将其连接。

    The load balanced FMS scheduling method based on Petri Net get result by searching models reachability graph using AI technique .

  8. 在预警方法上通过对传统统计预警模型和人工智能预警模型的对比,结合现状,引入BP人工神经网络技术,建立了基于BP人工神经网络技术的外贸企业客户信用风险预警模型。

    In the methods of early warning , the author contrast between the traditional counting early warning model and the artificial intelligence and combine the actuality , he introduced BP artificial nerve network techniques , building early warning of foreign trade enterprise client credit risk .

  9. 决策支持系统是综合利用各种数据、信息、知识、人工智能和模型技术,辅助高级决策解决半结构化或非结构化决策问题。

    Using data , information , knowledge , artificial intelligence and modeling technique , Decision-making Supporting System ( DSS ) assist resolving semi-structure or none-structure decision problems .

  10. 针对智能车辆控制体系的现有不足,提出了一种基于协调规划控制的新颖控制体系结构,将传统的基于人工智能车辆模型的方法和基于行为的方法进行优势互补。

    According to the deficiency of control system of intelligent vehicles , a novel control system based on programming in line was offered . It blended traditional method based on artificial intelligence model with the method based on behavior .

  11. 智能化模型生成(IMG)就是将人工智能技术与模型生成相结合,为决策者提供一个实用而有效的建模环境。

    Iintelligent Model Generation ( IMG ) is the combination of Artificial Intelligence and Modeling , which provides an effective and useful modeling environment to users .

  12. 转炉吹炼终点人工智能静态控制模型;

    The artificial intelligence static control model at LD smelting end point ;

  13. 人工智能在水质模型改进中的应用

    Applications of artificial intelligence to water quality model improvement

  14. 基于人工智能的情感模型建立

    An Emotion Model Based on Artificial Intelligence

  15. 伴随着人工智能技术,模型构建语言,合同网,通讯机制以及规则库的发展,多智能体系统作为复杂控制系统的解决方案越来越发挥出自己的优势。

    Along with the development of artificial intelligence technology , modeling language , contract net , communication mechanism and knowledge base . As a solution of complex systems , Multi-Agent system is becoming more and more popular .

  16. 《基于人工智能的知识模型及知识获取与表示研究》是国家自然科学基金项目(70271002)《面向智能性管理决策的异构知识表示与知识管理研究》的系列研究之一。

    " Study of Artificial Intelligence-based Knowledge Chain Model and Knowledge Acquisition and Presentation " is a branch of " Management Decision-Oriented Intelligent Systems Study of Isomeric Knowledge Representation and Knowledge Management " which is sponsored by National Science Foundation of China ( NSFC , No : 70271002 ) .

  17. 该文以人工智能领域中黑板模型结构和消息传送结构作为多Agent系统的基本通信结构,对树形拓扑的多Agent原型系统进行了研究与构造。

    This paper designs and realizes prototype system of tree topology multi-agent system ( TTMAS ) .

  18. 基于人工智能的知识链模型及知识获取与表示研究

    Study of Artificial Intelligence-Based Knowledge Chain Model and Knowledge Acquisition and Presentation

  19. 关于人工智能中的脑模型研究

    On brain model in artificial intelligence

  20. 将人工智能技术用于水质模型的改进,即可节省人力物力,又可提高精度。

    Applying the artificial intelligence technology to the improvement of water quality model can increase precision .

  21. 本文根据中医药学科特点提出了基于人工智能技术的学生模型,以此来评估学生的知识水平。

    Based on the characteristics of Chinese medicine disciplines proposed student model artificial intelligence technology as a way to assess student knowledge .

  22. 本方法的创新之处在于把自动机的合成与简化理论应用到模型表示中,把人工智能技术应用到模型管理中。

    An inference is used to evaluate the model . The creativity of this method is that we apply the compound and simplified theory of automaton to model representation and AI technology to model management .

  23. 在分析人工智能中分布式协作模型&黑板结构的优缺点基础上,根据基于黑板结构的代理通信模型,提出了一种主动黑板结构设计模式。

    With the premise of analysis pros and cons of artificial intelligent coordination model & blackboard architecture , based on the blackboard based agent communication model , this paper proposes a kind of active blackboard design pattern .

  24. 本文首先分析了Richard和Holsapple等人的知识链模型及其改进模型所存在的一些问题,然后结合知识管理思想和人工智能技术,提出了基于人工智能的知识链模型,并对模型进行了详细的阐述。

    First , this paper reviews the limitations of current knowledge chain model s of Richard and Holsapple , then advances a knowledge chain model based on artificial intelligence , which combines knowledge management and AI technology . At last , the proposed model is discussed in detail .