
  • 网络Mitsubishi Group;Mitsubishi Corp
  1. 本月,三菱集团(MitsubishiGroup)常驻中国的一组高管会晤了将要执掌亚投行的金立群,表达他们的支持。

    This month , for example , a group of Mitsubishi Group executives based in China met Jin Liqun , who will run the infrastructure bank , to offer their support .

  2. 三菱汽车尚未决定将进行多少赔偿,以及是否需要从三菱集团内部寻求财务支持以支付这项成本。

    The company has yet to decide what compensation it will pay and whetherit will need to seek financial support from within the Mitsubishi group tocover the costs .

  3. 在日兴证券被出售给竞争对手三井住友后,曾参与日兴证券竞购的三菱ufj金融集团(mitsubishiufjfinancialgroup),撤回了对日兴资产管理的竞标。

    Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group ( MUFG ) , which had bid for Nikko cordial , withdrew its bid for the asset management business after the broker was sold to rival SMFG .

  4. 三菱东京金融集团的跌幅最大,主要由于该公司购入UFJ银行的坏账后遭调低盈利预测。

    Mitsubishi Tokyo Financialpuorgwas a key decliner after forecast earnings downgrades as it absorbs UFJ 's bad loans .

  5. 它们有着充裕的流动性三菱ufj金融集团(mitsubishiufj)公布的财报显示,该公司日本贷款组合的净息差仅为0.09%。

    They have plenty of liquidity and the net interest margin for Mitsubishi UFJ on its loan portfolio in Japan is a mere 0.09 per cent , according to its financial statements .

  6. 虽然如此,也有一些交易看起来有些机会主义,9月份日本银行三菱UFJ金融集团出价90亿美元获得苦苦支撑的摩根斯坦利21%的股权。

    Even so , some deals are opportunistic : in September Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group , a Japanese bank , paid $ 9 billion for a21 % stake in Morgan Stanley , a struggling American bank .

  7. 本文对花旗集团、德意志银行集团以及三菱东京金融集团的公司治理实践进行了详细的比较分析。

    A comparative and thorough analysis is made of Citibank Syndicate , Deutsche Banking Syndicate and Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Syndicate in terms of their corporate governance .

  8. 但那个季度的业绩结果中包括了一项一次性亏损17亿美元的费用,这项费用与日本三菱日联金融集团(MitsubishiUFJFinancialGroup)在该银行的一笔投资有关。

    But that quarter included a one-time loss of $ 1.7 billion related to an investment in the firm from Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group .

  9. 2004年,三菱汽车承认隐瞒汽车缺陷达数十年,在爆出那起汽车安全性丑闻后,三菱汽车获得了三菱集团的一笔纾困资金。

    In 2004 , it received a Mitsubishi group bailout following asafety scandal where the company admitted to hiding vehicle defects fordecades .