
sān líng
  • Mitsubishi
三菱[sān líng]
  1. 三菱汽车急于在欧洲市场上取得初步的立足之地。

    Mitsubishi Motors were anxious to get a toehold in the European market .

  2. 在冲销来自三菱的销售和信贷部门

    The eliminations came from Mitsubishi 's sales and credit departments .

  3. 基于三菱PLC的XA6132型卧式万能铣床的技术改造

    The horizontal universal milling machine technological transformation based on Mitsubishi PLC

  4. 三菱系统PLC专用命令在换刀过程中的应用

    Application of MITSUBISHI System PLC 's Exclusive Command in Tool Changing Process

  5. 基于三菱PLC控制塔式立体车库系统设计

    Tower Garage Control System Design Based on the Mitsubishi PLC

  6. 三菱PLC核心控制的气动式充填包装机设计

    MITSUBISHI PLC 's Control Core Pneumatic Filling Machine Design

  7. 基于电话网实现上位机与三菱PLC的远程通信

    Implementing Remote Communication between Host Computer and Mitsubishi PLC Based on Telephone Network

  8. 基于三菱PLC太阳能板跟踪控制系统的设计

    Design of Sun Tracking System Based on Mitsubishi PLC

  9. 三菱PLC与PC机间的通讯应用

    Application of Communication Between Mitsubishi 's PLC and PC

  10. 三菱Q系列PLC设置与通讯

    The setting and communication to PLC of MITSUBISHI Q Serials

  11. 欧姆龙与三菱PLC之间通信的实现

    Communication Realization Between OMRON PLC and MITSUBISHI PLC

  12. 通用型触摸屏与三菱PLC链接技术分析

    Analyses Linking Technology Between General Purposes Touch Screen

  13. 三菱PLC及变频器在水厂的应用

    Application of MITSUBISHI PLC and Inverter in Waterworks

  14. 在软件功能上能够完全解释执行三菱PLC程序所有指令。

    In software function , All Mitsubishi PLC instructions can be interpreted and execute .

  15. 基于三菱Q系列伺服系统的毽球机器人

    A Shuttlecock Robot Based on Mitsubishi Q Series Servo System

  16. 三菱商事的媒体服务器甚至可以流你的音乐到您的PC在工作!

    MC 's Media Server can even stream your music to your PC at work !

  17. VC++6.0编程中的串口通信技术在三菱PLC网桥中的应用

    Application of Serial Communication Technigue of VC + + 6.0 Programming in MITSUBISHI PLC Networkware

  18. 单片机与三菱PLC无协议串行通讯的实现

    An Approach to the Implementation of No Protocol Serial Communication Between Single-Chip and MITSUBISHI PLC

  19. 基于三菱PLC和组态技术的交通信号灯控制系统设计

    Design of the Control System of Traffic Lights Based on Mitsubishi PLC and Configuration Technology

  20. 三菱FX系列PLC编程常见问题探析

    Discussion on Common Problems in PLC Programming of Mitsubishi FX Series

  21. 脱蜡装置DCS通信系统在三菱网络中的应用

    Communications system of dewax DCS application in MITSUBISHI network

  22. 本文就该机床基于三菱PLC的电气控制系统做了简要的介绍。

    In this article ■ the electric control system of the machine based on Mitsubishi PLC are mentioned .

  23. 在Delphi中用ActiveX技术实现与三菱PLC的通讯

    Communication with Mitsubishi PLC Using ActiveX Technology in Delphi

  24. 基于三菱FX系列的PLC实验系统的设计

    Design of Experiment System Based on Mitsubishi FX series PLC

  25. 基于VB的计算机与三菱变频器通讯及监控软件设计

    Design of Communication and Supervise-Control Software between Computer and Mitsubishi Inverter Based on VB

  26. 用VB6.0实现与三菱PLC的远程通信

    Telecommunication of PC with Mitsubishi PLC Based on VB6.0

  27. 基于三菱FX系列PLC的电镀生产线的自动控制方案设计

    Mitsubishi FX Series PLC-based Electroplating Automatic Production Line Design

  28. 三菱FX2N系列PLC在副井提升机信号系统中的应用

    Application of the FX_2N PLC in Signal System of Auxiliary Shaft Hoist

  29. 该系列采用三菱PLC控制,三菱界面显示每分钟包装数和包装长度。

    Adoption of tri-rhomb PLC control make its trirhomb surface show , the numbers of boxes permunites , and length of packing .

  30. 但是现场设备并不支持TCP/IP协议,需要通过一个网络网关才能将现场设备接入INTERNET。基于此本课题将研究网络网关,以实现INTERNET客户端与三菱PLC之间的通信。

    But industrial devices don 't support TCP / IP , So we study a network gateway to realize the communication between INTERNET client and industrial PLC .