- 名tertiary structure

BP neural network in prediction of protein tertiary structure can greatly improve predicting accuracy .
These atomic coordinates are also referred to as the3-D structure or tertiary structure .
Traditional e-commerce applications are based of browser , web servers , back-end server such a three-tier structure .
Prediction of Protein Structural Class by BP Neural Network
Three-dimensional structure prediction showed that this protein has spherical structure domain , while the structure of its N terminal make an important function in regulation function .
The Contemporary Integrated Manufacturing System of Gold Mine Enterprise Based on the ERP / MES / PCS Frame
Prediction of the possible tertiary structure alterations of p53 protein following point mutation in p53 gene condon 282 in lung cancer cells
The system uses JSP , Java , Visual Basic , ASP variety of mixed programming code , components , data encapsulation , modular three-tier architecture framework .
The tertiary structure of a protein is experimentally determined ( solved ), predominantly by a method called X-ray Diffraction or X-ray Crystallography .
Using VB6 can develop Internet application programs ( such as three-tiered architecture application system which is based on Browser / Server mode ) .
The spectroscopic results indicated that GOx underwent substantial conformational changes both at secondary and tertiary structure level after assembling with GO .
Due to these variations , NMR methodically determines multiple instances ( models ) that represent slightly shifted tertiary structures for the same protein .
TG showed that the alkali treatment mainly affects the tertiary structure of SPI . 3 , Successfully prepared SPI / PVA plastics .
The complete tertiary structure ( a unique three-dimensional shape ) has been determined by crystallization of pure protein for a few globular proteins and by elaborate use of X-ray crystallography .
Hg ~ ( 2 + ) treatment or NBS modification changed the content of secondary structure and conformation of BSA .
Four protective agents can stable the protein secondary structure , but less help with the changes in the tertiary structure loss , PEG best protection . 3 .
However , RNA secondary structure or tertiary structure information is not easy to get . Because the method of biological experiments is costly , it is difficult to popularize and promote .
The tertiary structure can also be exploited to search the PDB for interactions between proteins .
Analysis of three-dimensional structure of AROM protein from Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
However , when in hydrophilic organic solvent such as dimethylformamide , the two dimers of Hb molecule become separate and unfold to a certain extent .
Tertiary structure of hRI is symmetry horseshoe-shape .
Sequence homology analysis was carried out by aligning PCL with other monocot mannose-binding agglutinins . The secondary structure and third-dimensional structure of PCL were predicted .
Using Unified Modeling Language , we recorded the 3D configuration simulation modeling requirments , dynamics computational mechanism in the 3 layers of variables , parts and system , and important classes and associations in software architecture and application domain .
In order to solve these problems , some new algorithms and modified algorithms are proposed one after another . So the prediction of RNA structure catches researchers ' attention again and becomes a hot topic in bioinformatics .
The tertiary structure of RNA is the basis of its biological function , so if we want to know the Regulatory functions of RNA molecules , especially non-coding RNAs , we must get their refined structures firstly .
Two prototypes for 250W metal halide lamps are presented , and the experimental results are displayed .
Recent years , the studied results show that the RNA structure prediction methods can get a lot of candidate RNA structures , however , the scoring function could not successfully select the near native conformation state from them .
With the increase of the concentration of SDS , the tertiary structure and the a-helicity changes because of the interaction between BSA and SDS . The cathodic peak current of BSA rapid increases firstly but decrease subsequently .
Far-UV and near-UV CD spectra provide evidence that the binding of Hg ( II ) induces BSA , HSA and NBS modified HSA a loss of α helix and rearrangement of tertiary structure .
We analyzed the 22 sequences of SSD from representative species of different phyla . The results show that the amino acid composition of SSD is biased greatly but three-dimensional structure is conservative .