
  • 【古生物】Hipparion
  1. 内蒙古中部阿巴嘎地区的三趾马(N2)红土及其工程特性的形成

    The hipparion ( n_2 ) red soil and its engineering geological characteristics in abag banner , nei Mongol Autonomous Region

  2. 三趾马红土与西北黄土高原滑坡

    Hipparion laterite and landslide hazards on Loess Plateau of Northwestern China

  3. 山东淄博发现三趾马动物群的化石

    Discovery of Hipparion Fauna from Zibo , Shandong Province

  4. 喜马拉雅山中段上新世三趾马动物群生活环境的探讨

    Pliocene environment of Hipparion fauna of middle Himalaya range

  5. 三趾马红土中光性方位定向的粘土膜的发现及其意义

    The discovery of the optically oriented clay film in red Hipparion soil and its significance

  6. 研究结果表明:以三趾马红土作滑床最易产生滑坡;

    The results of this research show that : it is the easiest for landslide development if red clay as slip-bed ;

  7. 中国北方地区晚第三纪以来沉积了一套以富含三趾马哺乳动物群为特征的红粘土,近年来倍受关注而逐渐成为我国北方晚新生代沉积环境演化研究的热点。

    A set of red clay which was characterized by teeming with Hipparion fossils has deposited in north China since the late Tertiary . It has already become the focus attaching much importance to the research on the sedimentary environment evolution of the late Cenozoic in northern China .